Libros, Capítulos y Monografías – Departamento de Lengua Inglesa

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Libros, Capítulos y Monografías publicados por personal afiliado al Departamento de Lengua Inglesa


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    EFL Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities. Experiences from research at UAM and UCLV
    (Editorial Feijóo, 2022) Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas; Universidad Americana; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa; Rodríguez Ruiz, Mayra; Fernández Peraza, Ana Vivian; Pérez Morales, Juana Idania
    As we move further into the 21st century, teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) continues to be an area of interest for practitioners and researchers everywhere. We are living an ever-growing global village, with practically no boundaries for communication, interconnection, and relationships. Thus, more and more persons perceive and feel the need of learning and using English as foreign language (EFL) in a diversity of communicative situations and contexts. As this trend continues, and new developments and complex challenges emerge, TEFL practitioners and researchers look forward to finding and creating spaces where they can interact, share, and discuss a broad range of issues related to TEFL research and practice. These academic exchanges definitely contribute to discovering, innovating, and implementing successful TEFL practices that will help learners successfully improve their EFL language skills and engage in international communication in our global village.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching and learning process of English as a foreign language
    (Feijóo, 2021) Pérez Morales, Juana Idania; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa; Pérez Morales, Juana Idania
    The book is organized into two parts. Part I ―ICT tools in linguistic studies, begins with a general description of methods and tools that are currently used in corpus linguistics, and then moves into some areas of contemporary interest, including specific corpus tools for assessing lexical development and tools for text processing and genre analysis. It also discusses issues of a more pedagogical standpoint. In Part II ― ICT applications in language teaching and learning", the authors are mainly concerned with providing examples of the application of various tools to the teaching of different areas of English, both to undergraduate and graduate students. It begins with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of ICT in foreign language teaching in general and moves into specific projects using atlases, websites, apps and webquests aimed at the teaching of specific skills such as listening, reading and speaking as well as to the linguistic material. There is one project that shows how Digital Libraries can be used to develop academic English skills. Furthermore, there are proposals geared towards the teaching of the history and literature of English speaking countries and intercultural communication at large. The proposals and projects described in both chapters are diverse and quite useful.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Strategies for the translation of modal auxiliary verbs as hedging devices in newspaper articles on climate change
    (Feijóo, 2021) Morales Triana, Marilín; Rodríguez Ruiz, Mayra; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa; Artiles Castro, Miriam
    Translation has been used for foreign language teaching since the 19th century when modern languages began to appear in school curricula. Its strength on the field of foreign language teaching resides in the fact that is used to demonstrate the learner's knowledge of the foreign language, either as a form of control or to exercise his intelligence in order to develop his competence. One of the main problems for translation students is their difficulties to translate certain pragmatic elements of the text such as hedging devices. This could lead to errors in comprehending the text’s ideas and the author’s initial intentions. During the process of translation, when a problem emerges, translators need to put into practice strategies to solve such problem. A translation strategy is a conscious problem solving procedure that comes from the translator’s previous knowledge. As stylistic devices, hedges are embedded in several discourses. The present research focuses on hedges in journalistic discourse because it has not received much attention among scholars. This research is aimed at identifying the strategies most commonly used for the translation of hedging devices used in online English newspaper articles on climate change. It is carried out through a comparative analysis of a parallel English-Spanish corpus compiled from the newsroom of present in the websites of different international and regional environmental agencies. Finally, it presents a set of strategies for the translation of hedging devices that can help improve the teaching and learning process in the subject of Translation of Journalistic Texts.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Activities to Improve the Intercultural Communicative Competence in the Training of Translators at Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
    (Feijóo, 2021) Domínguez Monzón, Sahily; Morales Triana, Marilín; Rodríguez Ruiz, Mayra; Barea Martínez, Lidaisy; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa; Artiles Castro, Miriam
    Intercultural communicative competence (ICC) is an essential tool in the English Language teaching and learning process, especially in the training of translators. In the current globalized world, the translator needs to acquire a certain level of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in order to function as a bridge between different sociocultural groups, minimizing the effects of cultural misunderstandings. Therefore, the main goal of this research paper is to propose a set of activities for the subject Introducción a la Traducción in the third academic year of the course English Language with Second Foreign Language (French) at Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV) for students to become interculturally competent translators. The paper consists of two chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the theoretical framework about culture, interculturality, communication, language, intercultural communication and intercultural communicative competence, as well as the relationships between them. Chapter 2 deals with the methodological framework, stages and context of the research. Also, the activities proposed are described in this second chapter. Finally, conclusions, recommendations, bibliography and annexes are provided.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    English academic writing: Proposal of a bank of useful phrases for hedging
    (Feijóo, 2021) Orozco Gutiérrez, Lázara de la Caridad; Sánchez Pérez, Alma Laura; Morales Triana, Marilín; Rodríguez Ruiz, Mayra; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa; Artiles Castro, Miriam
    Academic writing has its own rules and practices which may be organized in accordance with a specific arrangement in order to present ideas and to assure to support them by author citations. Professional academic writing consists of a series of factual statements which are added to the truth, mainly in the hard sciences. However, it is now widely recognized that any written text involves an interaction between writer and reader. In this interaction readers anticipate the lines of thought of writers, interrogate them, and evaluate the piece of writing for its usefulness and importance to their own research). Most research papers require careful attention to some specific features of academic writing; namely, complexity, formality, precision, objectivity, explicitness, accuracy, responsibility, planning, and hedging. Precisely, hedging devices are among essential elements of academic writing for supporting or rejecting hypotheses or theories. Therefore, the aim of this research paper is to propose a bank of useful phrases for hedging in English academic writing for students of the degree course English Language with A Second Foreign Language (French) at Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. To this end, a 30 theses/dissertations corpus taken from the websites of Brigham Young University, Portland State University and The University of Edinburgh was compiled and manually processed to assure whether a word functions as a hedge or not. The bank will help improve students’ proficiency when writing research papers, term papers and diploma papers throughout their study years and future professional careers.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Analysis of lexical errors in English-Spanish translations of science journalism texts written by advanced translation students
    (Feijóo, 2020-01) López Rodríguez, Balbina; Oramas Torres, Elisaliz; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa; Artiles Castro, Miriam
    The general aim of the present research is to identify and classify the most frequent lexical translation errors present in Spanish target texts translated from the field of science journalism in English. Also the possible causes of these errors and their solutions are discussed. This research provides empirical support for the teaching and learning of English-Spanish translation in the field of science journalism. This is the first time that the issue of translation error classification is tackled in our Department. Internationally, there has been a lot of research in the area of translation assessment in general but not in the field of science journalism. For this reason, our research may contribute to the field. From a theoretical perspective this paper contributes to the study of translation and to the research on this subject in Cuba. It presents a typology of lexical errors which will help to improve the practice and the teaching of this discipline in our country
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