Bazán Prieto, Carlos AlbertoPacheco González, Leonardo2019-03-052019-03-052015-06-17Citar según la fuente original: C. A. B. Prieto and L. P. González, "Fotocontrolador programable," in XVI Convención de Ingeniería Eléctrica CIE 2015, 2015.978-959-312-025-8 photocontroller is a circuit capable of controlling the lighting on streets, gardens and walkways. Their operating principle is based on allowing the lighting of the lamp at night and turning off during the day, based on measuring the level of illumination. In the public lighting in Cuba, different types of photocontroller are used. Many of them have problems with proper operation, resulting in increased power consumption and shortening the life of the luminaire. In this paper the basic types of photocontroller are studied and proposed the most appropriate. Finally we propose a microcontroller-based photocontroller and a centralized architecture. Other functions related to power saving and extending the life of the luminaire are also proposed.esEste documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Los usuarios podrán hacer uso de esta obra bajo la siguiente licencia: Creative Commons4.0 License: Atribución-No Comercial-Compartir IgualIluminaciónFotocontroladorAhorro de EnergíaFotocontrolador programableProceedingsUniversidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas