Díaz de La Paz, LisandraRiestra Collado, Francisco NoelviGarcía Mendoza, Juan LuisGonzález González, Luisa ManuelaLeiva Mederos, Amed AbelTaboada Crispi, Alberto2022-02-082022-02-082021Díaz de la Paz, L., Riestra Collado, F. N., García Mendoza, J. L., González González, L. M., Leiva Mederos, A. A., & Taboada Crispi, A. (2021). Weights Estimation in the Completeness Measurement of Bibliographic Metadata. Computación y Sistemas, 25(1), pp. 47-65.2007-9737https://dspace.uclv.edu.cu/handle/123456789/13336The Weighted completeness metrics for metadata use a weighting factor to indicate the importance of each field. In the case of bibliographic metadata, a common way of representing the importance of a field is its frequency of appearance in a given repository. The inaccuracy of this method is why we need to recalculate the weights as the volume of the repository grows. In this paper, we used the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method in the estimation of the weights for the completeness metrics of bibliographic metadata. This method is independent of the metadata format, of the collection and the volume of the repository used. As part of this work, we defined the fitness function of the PSO method to reflect the importance levels of the fields. Finally, we presented a case study with the estimated weights and the calculated completeness of the bibliographic records described at the full cataloging level in MARC 21 format.en-USEste documento es Propiedad Patrimonial del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro de Investigación en Computación; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico y se socializa en este Repositorio gracias a la política de acceso abierto de la revista Computación y sistemas (En línea)Bibliographic MetadataCompleteness MetricParticle Swarm Optimization (PSO)Weights EstimationInteligencia ArtificialMetadatos BibliográficosEvaluación de la CalidadCompletitudMétricasOptimización por Enjambre de PartículasInteligencia ArtificialWeights Estimation in the Completeness Measurement of Bibliographic MetadataArticleUniversidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas10.13053/CyS-25-1-3355