Álvarez López, Arnoldo EduardoHernández Gutierrez, Adriana2015-10-052015-10-052015-07-02https://dspace.uclv.edu.cu/handle/123456789/2236Buried today in the development of the tourism, Cuba exhibits novel projects of Hotels Charm, strategy guided to the rescue of the patrimonial values that they contain its historical centers, devising a new category to restore constructions with patrimonial values and to transform them into centers of lodging of the historical main squares of the country. Yaguajay is specified in the Plan of Development of the county Sancti Spíritus, given its potentialities of use of the natural existent wealths, for the nature tourism, a very demanded option in the last decades at international level. The present document clarifies the implicit activities in the Plan of rehabilitation of the Hotel Square, from the opportunities that it offers for the design of the space, until the specificities technician - economic of its intervention. Since the object is a building with values to rescue, the fundamental approach in any event will be that of Restoration of the recoverable plans, and of Reconstruction of the reasons in critical state of maintenance. This way an entire support net is conceived to the project that includes the creation of hotels of reduced lodging capacity with the function of valorizing the communication of the historical center with the tourist facilities in the parks of natural reservations. In this case, one worked a technical executive project to convert the antagonistic Hotel Square, of Yaguajay, in a Hotel Charm with the design particularities and comfort that it requires this category.esEste documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨de Las Villas. El autor o autores conservan los derechos morales que como tal le son reconocidos por la Legislación vigente sobre Derecho de Autor. Los distintos Usuarios podrán copiar, distribuir, comunicar públicamente la obra y hacer obras derivadas; bajo las condiciones siguientes: 1. Reconocer y citar al autor original. 2. No utilizar la obra con fines comerciales. 3. No realizar modificación alguna a la obra. 4. Compartir aquellos productos resultado del uso de la obra bajo la misma licencia de esta. Los Usuarios pueden reutilizar los metadatos en cualquier medio sin autorización previa, siempre que los propósitos de su utilización sean sin ánimo de lucro y se provea el Identificador OAI, un enlace al registro de metadatos original, o se haga referencia al repositorio de donde han sido extraídos.Ideas ConceptualesHotel PlazaValores VatrimonialesRehabilitación de EdificacionesYaguajayRehabilitationPropuesta de ideas conceptuales para la Rehabilitación del Hotel Plaza en YaguajayThesis