Camacho Delgado, AlfredoBetancourt Ordetx, Beatriz2017-03-162017-03-162016-06-26 paper presents a proposal of a system of activities to develop the spelling skill in English in class 6th A from José A. Echeverría elementary school, which offers education to students with sports talents. The proposal has been conceived taking into account the theoretical and methodological bases put together by the author, the results of a learning diagnosis conducted in Class 6th A at this school, as well as the experiences of implementing a preliminary proposal of the activities. This research has been conducted using a variety of theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, which were used in light of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.esEste documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Los usuarios podrán hacer uso de esta obra bajo la siguiente licencia: Creative Commons: Atribución-No Comercial-Compartir Igual 4.0 LicenseElementary SchoolSystem of ActivitiesEducación PrimariaThe development of the spelling skill in English in class 6th a from José Antonio Echeverría elementary schoolThesis