Santana Ching, IvánIzaguirre Castellanos, EduardoFerre, ManuelAracil, RafaelHernández Santana, Luis2019-02-052019-02-052013-02Citar según la fuente original: Ching, I. S., Castellanos, E. I., Ferre, M., Aracil, R., & Santana, L. H. (2013). Remote laboratories for education and research purposes in automatic control systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 9(1), 547-556.1551-3203 paper describes the experiences using remote laboratories for education and research in the field of Control Engineering. The use of remote laboratories for education in subjects of control is increasingly becoming a resorted method by the universities in order to offer a flexible service in schedules with greater and better operation of available resources. Nevertheless, for research activities, remote laboratories are not widely used. The aim of this contribution is thereby to apply the experience of remote laboratories in research applications in order to share complex equipments among different researchers. Some experiments are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of using remote laboratories in research experiments related to robotic system. The results of the implementation of remote experimentations to control a 3-DOF parallel robot by using Distance Laboratory System (SLD) are exposed. The performance of the system is evaluated by the possibilities and functionality of the proposed remote laboratory platform.en-USEstedocumento es Propiedad Patrimonial de IEEE y se deposita en este Repositorio solo con fines académicos y exclusivamente para usuarios de la UCLV hasta tanto sea liberado por la revista IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, respetando la legislación vigente en Cuba sobre derecho de Autor y la política de acceso de la mencionada publicación periódicaRemote ExperimentRemote LaboratoriesParallel RobotControl Systems ResearchRemote laboratories for education and research purposes in automatic control systemsArticleIEEE