González Cabrera, ErnestoCespón Castro, RobertoCoello Machado, Norge IsaíasGlistau, Elke2019-03-062019-03-062018-06-19973-3-944722-71-9https://dspace.uclv.edu.cu/handle/123456789/10856With the purpose of diminishing the impact of the bullwhip effect in the link of the supply chain between the warehouse and the points of sales is carried out the present investigation in the Company LABIOFAM Villa Clara.en-USEste documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems Otto von Guericke University Magdeburgy se socializa en este Repositorio gracias a la política de acceso abierto del Congreso 11th International Doctoral Students Workshop on LogisticBullwhip effectsupply chainVendor Management InventoryCadena de SuministroReduction of the Bullwhip Effect in the supply chain of the company LABIOFAM Villa CLara whit a model Vendor Management Inventory(VMI)Proceedings