Meneses Placeres, GrizlyMachado Rivero, Manuel OsvaldoLeiva Mederos, Amed AbelDeymis Tamayo Rueda, DeymisBenítez Erice, Didiosky2017-11-142017-11-142017-09Meneses Placeres G, Machado Rivero MO, Leiva Mederos AA, Tamayo Rueda D, Benítez Erice D. 2017. Information Literacy in the framework of a Network ICT Project in Cuba. Fifth European Conference on Information Literacy. Saint Malo (France) September 21 - 23. Information Literacy Associaltion (InLitAs). ISBN: 978-2-9561952-0-7978-2-9561952-0-7 NETWORK University Cooperation: Strengthening of the role of ICT in Cuban Universities for the development of the society is a VLIR project that has the aim to develop a national virtual educational network that will share courses material between all Cuban universities, at the same time and together with the virtual educational network, an information management system will be also share by all Cuban universities, that means that all Cuban professors and students can access the information stored in digital repositories and other information storage systems ("NETWORK Activity Programme," 2013). The network, in turn, is divided into three subprojects: Research in ICT related sciences; Open ICT Systems and Management and ICT supporting the educational processes and the knowledge management in higher education (ELINF). In this context, the information literacy (IL) activities are essentials. The objective is to socialize the actions and benefits of these activities as good practices in the framework of the project at Central University of Las Villas (UCLV). To define IL actions it was necessary, in the methodological order, to carry out content analyze to the project documentation and how IL could contribute to the macro objectives of the project, as well as identify the information skills of the members included, through the application of ALFINEV model (Meneses-Placeres & Pinto-Molina, 2011). The principal outcomes are: information literacy status of the projects members at UCLV to contribute with the aim goal of the project; a description of the IL activities design in the framework of the project as good practices to expand to the others Cuban universities included in the networken-USEste documento se difunde en este repositorio institucional atendiendo a los permisos otorgados por el Comité Organizador de la Conferencia Europea sobre Alfabetización Informacional (ECIL). Los usuarios podrán hacer uso de esta obra bajo la siguiente licencia: Creative Commons: Atribución-No Comercial-Compartir Igual 4.0 LicensInformation LiteracyAlfabetización en InformaciónAlfabetización InformacionalALFINELINFUniversidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las VillasVLIRInformation literacy in the framework of Network ICT project in CubaProceedings