Rodríguez Ruiz, MayraReyes Manes, Roxana2017-11-232017-11-232017-06-24 phrasal verbs is mandatory for Spanish speakers who are committed to accomplish an accurate command of the English language. Since this linguistic phenomenon is not present in Spanish, students of the degree course English Language with French as a Second Foreign Language, from the Central University ―Marta Abreu‖ of Las Villas, usually encounter many problems while translating them. In line with this research, this paper aims at lessening students‘ difficulties when translating phrasal verbs by the elaboration of a bilingual (English-Spanish) dictionary app of phrasal verbs resulting from the bilingualization of a compilation of 6,130 phrasal verbs taken from monolingual phrasal verbs dictionaries. The results led to the creation of the dictionary app English-Spanish Phrasal Verbs Dictionary, which includes Spanish equivalents, grammar patterns, definitions, examples, collocations, synonyms, opposites, idioms, derivatives, as well as usage notes.en-USEste documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Los usuarios podrán hacer uso de esta obra bajo la siguiente licencia: Creative Commons: Atribución-No Comercial-Compartir Igual 4.0 LicenseTranslationBilingualizationPhrasal VerbLinguistic PhenomenonDictionary AppLengua Inglesa/Estudio y EnseñanzaTraducciónDiccionarioFrases VerbalesBilingual (English-Spanish) Dictionary App of Phrasal Verbs for Students of the Degree Course English Language with French as a Second Foreign LanguageThesis