Garcia Lovella, YanielCabezas Ferreira, Javier Enrique2019-05-092019-05-092016-05-20 and Nicobar are around 572 islands, located more than 1200 km away from Indian shore. At present, the power generation matrix is based in more than 80% in diesel generators, after 17 hours the resort places are disconnected from the main grid and these need cover the electrical demand itself with backup diesel generators. According to the new energy policies, will be installed A&N islands new equipment for burning the biomass, in order to get a biomass surplus, this surplus is projected to be able cover around 50% of diesel power generation. However, in order to use the biomass this will be converted to Syngas. In the present project was carried out a bibliographic analysis of the possibility of converting existing diesel powered generators in A&N islands to be run on syngas. Taking into account the mechanical transformation, that will be necessary carried out for fueled the syngas, reduced power output and the economic feasibility. At end was confirmed the following: The pilot injection, with until 10% of diesel injection, will improve the engine power output and efficiency. From economical point of view, the syngas price will determine the conversion feasibility. Nerveless, the 100% syngas conversion was justified by the high Syngas availability and the difficult transportation process in A&N. Finally, was analyzed some mechanical transformation in order to get around 60% of the original engine power output.en-USEste documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de YAYABOCIENCIA y se socializa en este Repositorio gracias a la polĂ­tica de acceso abierto del Congreso IV Conferencia CientĂ­fica Internacional YAYABOCIENCIA 2017SyngasInternal Combustion EngineLevelized Cost of EnergyFeasibility of converting existing diesel powered generators in Andaman and Nicobar Islands to be run on syngas.Proceedings