Medición de la efectividad de la comunicación promocional que desarrolla el Grupo Cubanacán en función del hHotel Cubanacán América
Díaz Nuñez, Hailón
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de la Villas
La actividad turística está experimentando un mayor crecimiento mundial, para el 2020 existen expectativas de alcanzar entre los 900 millones y los 1,6 billones de turistas, según la WTO (Organización Mundial de Turismo). Esta situación provoca constantes cambios que requieren el perfeccionamiento de los mecanismos de gestión comercial en la creación y comunicación de nuevas ofertas mediante el uso de la comunicación promocional. Cuba, no exenta de la situación anterior, orienta su política hacia el perfeccionamiento de esta actividad a nivel institucional y empresarial a fin de insertarse en un entorno turístico cada vez más competitivo. El Grupo Cubanacán quien es el encargado de llevar a cabo acciones de este tipo en el Hotel Cubanacán América, no realiza estudios que determinen la efectividad de estos procesos, y en consecuencia no se utilizan métodos que permitan medir estos indicadores lo que provoca que se inviertan cuantiosos recursos sin conocer la factibilidad en su uso. Teniendo en cuenta la situación anterior esta investigación propone la medición de la efectividad del proceso de comunicación promocional en este hotel mediante la elaboración de un método integral de medición que se adapte a las condiciones de Cuba. Los principales resultados del trabajo se encuentran en una medición utilizando un método integrado aplicado a las condiciones de Cuba que permite el ahorro de recursos financieros, humanos, materiales y una mejor gestión del proceso de comunicación promocional.
The touristic activity is experiencing a higher growing, there are expectations to reach between 900 millions and 1,6 billions of tourists according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO). This situation causes constant changes that requires the improving of the commercial management mechanisms in the design and communication of new offers using promotional communication. Cuba is not exempt from that, the country directs its policy toward the improvement of this activity in the institutional and organizational level with the aim of being inserted into a highly competitive touristic environment. Cubanacan Tourism Group which is the company in charge of carry out this kind of actions in the Hotel Cubanacan America don’t execute studies in order to determinate the effectiveness of those processes and in consequence, don’t use methods which aloud measure those indicators which cause the investment of substantial resources without knowing the feasibility in its use. Taking notice from that this research propose to measure the effectiveness of the promotional communication process in this hotel through the design of an integral method for measuring, that can be adapted to Cuba working conditions. The main result of this research are in one measuring through an integral method applied to Cuba working conditions which permit to save financial, material and human resources and as a result of that, a better management of the promotional communication process.
The touristic activity is experiencing a higher growing, there are expectations to reach between 900 millions and 1,6 billions of tourists according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO). This situation causes constant changes that requires the improving of the commercial management mechanisms in the design and communication of new offers using promotional communication. Cuba is not exempt from that, the country directs its policy toward the improvement of this activity in the institutional and organizational level with the aim of being inserted into a highly competitive touristic environment. Cubanacan Tourism Group which is the company in charge of carry out this kind of actions in the Hotel Cubanacan America don’t execute studies in order to determinate the effectiveness of those processes and in consequence, don’t use methods which aloud measure those indicators which cause the investment of substantial resources without knowing the feasibility in its use. Taking notice from that this research propose to measure the effectiveness of the promotional communication process in this hotel through the design of an integral method for measuring, that can be adapted to Cuba working conditions. The main result of this research are in one measuring through an integral method applied to Cuba working conditions which permit to save financial, material and human resources and as a result of that, a better management of the promotional communication process.
Palabras clave
Comunicación, Comunicación Promocional, Publicidad, Hotel Cubanacán América.