Moralitos: ejemplo de educador y revolucionario
Azel Jiménez, Josefa
Pérez Linares, Ramón
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El presente trabajo es parte de un resultado científico histórico pedagógico; se utilizaron métodos teóricos y empíricos. Los autores estudiaron la vida y obra del maestro y patriota Rafael Morales González, Moralitos. Maestro desde su adolescencia, caracterizado por su patriotismo se incorporó al Ejército Libertador al iniciarse la Revolución de 1868. Propuso la Ley de Instrucción Pública, fundador de las escuelitas de la retaguardia y creador de la cartilla de alfabetización que circuló por toda la manigua insurrecta. Fiel exponente de educador y revolucionario del siglo XIX que sirve de paradigma para las presentes y futuras generaciones de maestros al buscar vías para la democratización de la enseñanza. Murió por su patria y la educación de todos.
The present work is part of a historical pedagogic scientific result; theoretical and empiric methods were used. The authors studied the life and the teacher's work and patriot Rafael Morales González, Moralitos. Teacher from his adolescence, characterized by his patriotism incorporated to the Army Liberator when beginning the Revolution of 1868. He proposed the Law of Public Instruction, founder of the schools of the rearguard and creator of the literacy note that it circulated for the whole insurgent camp. Faithful educator's exponent and revolutionary of the XIX century that he serves as paradigm for the present and future generations of teachers when looking for roads for the democratization of the teaching. He died for his homeland and it education over all.
The present work is part of a historical pedagogic scientific result; theoretical and empiric methods were used. The authors studied the life and the teacher's work and patriot Rafael Morales González, Moralitos. Teacher from his adolescence, characterized by his patriotism incorporated to the Army Liberator when beginning the Revolution of 1868. He proposed the Law of Public Instruction, founder of the schools of the rearguard and creator of the literacy note that it circulated for the whole insurgent camp. Faithful educator's exponent and revolutionary of the XIX century that he serves as paradigm for the present and future generations of teachers when looking for roads for the democratization of the teaching. He died for his homeland and it education over all.
Palabras clave
Maestro, Educación, Historia de Cuba, Teacher, Education