La educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible en la Secundaria Básica
Fortún Saez, Raidel
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu de las Villa". Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Licenciatura en Educación. Especialidad: Biologia-Geografia.
Teniendo en cuenta las transformaciones de la educación cubana que se llevan a cabo
en la Secundaria Básica y tomando en consideración la Educación Ambiental para el
Desarrollo Sostenible, se realiza una propuesta de actividades que utiliza diferentes
vías para fortalecer la Educación Ambiental. El trabajo aborda una problemática en la
Secundaria Básica José Martí Pérez, dada por la poca preparación de los alumnos en
dicho tema. Para ello se utilizan diferentes métodos de investigación como la
observación, análisis de documentos, el analítico sintético, histórico lógico e inductivo
deductivo, prueba pedagógica, y procedimientos matemáticos. El trabajo está
estructurado en Introducción, Desarrollo, Conclusiones, Referencias Bibliográficas,
Bibliografía y Anexos. Arriba a conclusiones que expresan la necesidad de fortalecer
la Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los mismos
Taking into account the transformations of the Cuban Education that are carried out in the Basic Secondary School and taking into consideration the Environmental Education for the Sustainable Development, a proposal of activities is made that uses different ways to strengthen the Environmental Education. The work addresses a problem in the José Marti Perez Secondary School, given by the poor preparation of students in this subject. For this, different research methods are used, such as observation, analysis of documents, synthetic analysis, logical and inductive deductive history, pedagogical test, and mathematical procedures. The work is structured in Introduction, Development, Conclusions, Bibliographic References, Bibliography and Annexes. Above conclusions that express the need to strengthen Environmental Education for the Sustainable Development of them.
Taking into account the transformations of the Cuban Education that are carried out in the Basic Secondary School and taking into consideration the Environmental Education for the Sustainable Development, a proposal of activities is made that uses different ways to strengthen the Environmental Education. The work addresses a problem in the José Marti Perez Secondary School, given by the poor preparation of students in this subject. For this, different research methods are used, such as observation, analysis of documents, synthetic analysis, logical and inductive deductive history, pedagogical test, and mathematical procedures. The work is structured in Introduction, Development, Conclusions, Bibliographic References, Bibliography and Annexes. Above conclusions that express the need to strengthen Environmental Education for the Sustainable Development of them.
Palabras clave
Esucación Ambiental, Desarrollo Sostenible, Escuela Cubana, Educación Secundaria, Actividades Escolares