Diseño del producto turístico rural finca "Rancho Paraíso" como iniciativa de desarrollo local
Pérez Rojas, Noel
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Las necesidades del turista actual, informado y respetuoso con el medio ambiente,
provocan el incremento del turismo alternativo y dentro de este, el rural, opción capaz de
entregar novedosas ofertas que aportan al desarrollo local de las comunidades. La finca
agropecuaria ¨Rancho Paraíso¨ situada en el poblado de Viñas del municipio de
Remedios, posee recursos e infraestructura para la práctica del agroturismo. El objetivo
del presente estudio es diseñar el producto turístico de igual nombre para incorporarlo a
la oferta no estatal como iniciativa de desarrollo municipal. Para ello se analizaron
diferentes metodologías, los autores, asumieron la propuesta por Funcia (2009), porque
encierra los requisitos imprescindibles para tal empeño e incorpora la viabilidad
económica, permite la aplicación creadora de métodos científicos, además de estar
validada en estudios anteriores de este tipo. La investigación ofrece a manera de resultado
teórico, una amplia recopilación bibliográfica susceptible de ser consultada por
estudiosos y prestatarios turísticos. Desde el punto de vista práctico, permitió identificar
la demanda potencial para el turismo rural en Remedios e integrar los atractivos y
Convención Científica Internacional 2017
Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
acciones para satisfacerlas, en el diseño del producto agroturístico de referencia que se
conceptualiza como, vivir la experiencia única de realizar actividades agropecuarias en el
campo cubano, disfrutar de las visuales paisajísticas, degustar la rica cocina tradicional y
ponerse en contacto con las tradiciones de la comunidad, además se incluyen otras
opcionales, cabalgatas, caminatas, baños en ríos y acampadas al aire libre. El producto se
puso a disposición de los actores involucrados para su promoción y comercialización.
The needs of the current tourist, informed and respectful with the environment, provoke the increase of the alternative tourism and within this, the ruralone, option able to deliver novel offers that contribute to the local development of the communities. The "Rancho Paraiso" farm located in the village of Viñas in the municipality of Remedios, has resources and infrastructure for the practice of agrotourism. The objective of the present study is to design the tourist product of the same name to incorporate it into the non-state offer as a municipal development initiative. In order to do this, different methodologies were analyzed, the authors assumed the proposal by Funcia (2009), because it contains the essential requirements for such a commitment and incorporates economic viability, allows the creative application of scientific methods, besides being validated in previous studies of this kind. The research offers by way of theoretical result, an extensive bibliographical collection that can be consulted by scholars and tourist borrowers. From the practical point of view, it was possible to identify the potential demand for rural tourism in Remedios and to integrate the attractions and actions to satisfy them, in the design of the reference agro-tourism product that is conceptualized as, to live the unique experience of carrying out agricultural activities in the the Cuban countryside, enjoy scenic views, taste the rich traditional cuisine and get in touch with the traditions of the community, also include other options, horseback riding, hiking, bathing in rivers and camping in the open air. The product was put at the disposal of the actors involved for its promotion and commercialization.
The needs of the current tourist, informed and respectful with the environment, provoke the increase of the alternative tourism and within this, the ruralone, option able to deliver novel offers that contribute to the local development of the communities. The "Rancho Paraiso" farm located in the village of Viñas in the municipality of Remedios, has resources and infrastructure for the practice of agrotourism. The objective of the present study is to design the tourist product of the same name to incorporate it into the non-state offer as a municipal development initiative. In order to do this, different methodologies were analyzed, the authors assumed the proposal by Funcia (2009), because it contains the essential requirements for such a commitment and incorporates economic viability, allows the creative application of scientific methods, besides being validated in previous studies of this kind. The research offers by way of theoretical result, an extensive bibliographical collection that can be consulted by scholars and tourist borrowers. From the practical point of view, it was possible to identify the potential demand for rural tourism in Remedios and to integrate the attractions and actions to satisfy them, in the design of the reference agro-tourism product that is conceptualized as, to live the unique experience of carrying out agricultural activities in the the Cuban countryside, enjoy scenic views, taste the rich traditional cuisine and get in touch with the traditions of the community, also include other options, horseback riding, hiking, bathing in rivers and camping in the open air. The product was put at the disposal of the actors involved for its promotion and commercialization.
Palabras clave
Producto Turístico, Turísmo Alternativo, Compilación Bibliográfica