La preparación pedagógica y deportiva de los entrenadores con enfoque sostenible
Santana Lugones, José Luis
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La preparación pedagógica de los entrenadores de Voleibol es de vital importancia para el desarrollo y sostenibilidad del deporte. Tomando esto en consideración y a manera de defender que el proceso de preparación del deportista de Voleibol y de otros deportes, transcurre en el proceso pedagógico, es que se abordan en el artículo los principales conceptos relacionados con el desarrollo sostenible, así como la preparación pedagógica y preparación deportiva. Por lo que el objetivo principal es proponer acciones a partir de integrar las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible (lo ecológico, económico y político-social) a dicho proceso de preparación pedagógica de los entrenadores de Voleibol. Para ello se utilizaron los siguientes métodos, del nivel teórico el análisis y síntesis, Histórico y lógico e Inductivo – deductivo, los que permitieron analizar las ideas y los principales aportes de los autores sobre el tema y constatar la realidad de la problemática existente. Dentro de los métodos empíricos empleados están la revisión de documentos, la observación científica y la aplicación de encuestas a los entrenadores, mediante su aplicación se constató, las carencias en relación a la preparación pedagógica de los entrenadores de Voleibol desde la docencia, con un enfoque sostenible.
Educational training for volleyball coaches is essential for the development and sustainability of sport. Taking into account the previously mentioned, and as the intention of defending the idea that the preparation process of the volleyball athlete, as well as athletes of any other sports, takes place in the educational process; this article deals with the main concepts related to the sustainable development, as well as the pedagogic and sport training. Therefore, the objective is to propose actions from integrating the three dimensions of sustainable development (ecological, economic and socio-political) with the pedagogical preparation process of volleyball coaches. The following methods were used analytic-synthetic, historical-logical, inductive-deductive, which allow to analyze the ideas and main principles of the authors on the subject and to settle the real problem. Besides, empirical methods were used such as document analysis, scientific observation and surveys applied to coaches; this last one allow to determine the pedagogic preparation deficiencies of volleyball coaches from teaching, with a sustainable approach.
Educational training for volleyball coaches is essential for the development and sustainability of sport. Taking into account the previously mentioned, and as the intention of defending the idea that the preparation process of the volleyball athlete, as well as athletes of any other sports, takes place in the educational process; this article deals with the main concepts related to the sustainable development, as well as the pedagogic and sport training. Therefore, the objective is to propose actions from integrating the three dimensions of sustainable development (ecological, economic and socio-political) with the pedagogical preparation process of volleyball coaches. The following methods were used analytic-synthetic, historical-logical, inductive-deductive, which allow to analyze the ideas and main principles of the authors on the subject and to settle the real problem. Besides, empirical methods were used such as document analysis, scientific observation and surveys applied to coaches; this last one allow to determine the pedagogic preparation deficiencies of volleyball coaches from teaching, with a sustainable approach.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo Sostenible, Voleibol, Preparación Pedagógica
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