Estudio bibliométrico de la Revista Cubana de Farmacia en el período 1995-2013
Hernández Rojo, Greter
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo de la producción científica publicada en la Revista Cubana de Farmacia en el período 1995-2013. Fue empleada una muestra intencional de 651 artículos. Todos los datos recopilados fueron procesados empleando el gestor bibliográfico EndnoteX, mientras que para la visualización de las redes de colaboración se emplearon los programas Bibexcel y Ucinet versión 6.204. Se aplicó una batería de indicadores bibliométricos que posibilitó evaluar aspectos relacionados con la productividad, visibilidad, impacto y consumo de información, así como indicadores de tipo relacional. Fueron identificados 1199 autores, de ellos 24 han publicado 10 o más trabajos, siendo Caridad Margarita García Peña la autora más productiva. Cuba resultó ser el país que más trabajos ha aportado a la revista, mientras que el Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo de Medicamentos y La Habana, fueron la institución y provincia más representadas dentro de la muestra. El grado de actualización de las referencias bibliográficas utilizadas por los autores en los artículos resultó igual a 0,31. Las temáticas más abordadas en la revista estuvieron relacionadas con las disciplinas de Tecnología Farmacéutica y Análisis Farmacéutico.
A descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study of scientific production published in the Cuban Journal of Pharmacy in the period 1995-2013 was developed. It was used a purposive sample of 651 articles. All data collected were processed using the reference manager EndnoteX, while for the visualization of collaboration networks Bibexcel, Ucinet v. 6,204 were used. A battery of bibliometric indicators that enabled evaluate aspects related to productivity, visibility, impact and consumption of information and relational indicators was applied. 1199 authors were identified, of which 24 have been published 10 or more papers, Margarita García Peña Charity being the most productive author. Cuba turned out to be the country that has contributed work to the journal, while the Centre for Research and Drug Development and Havana where the institution and province were more represented in the sample. The degree of updating of the references used by authors in the articles was equal to 0.31. The topics addressed in the journals were related to the disciplines of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical Analysis.
A descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study of scientific production published in the Cuban Journal of Pharmacy in the period 1995-2013 was developed. It was used a purposive sample of 651 articles. All data collected were processed using the reference manager EndnoteX, while for the visualization of collaboration networks Bibexcel, Ucinet v. 6,204 were used. A battery of bibliometric indicators that enabled evaluate aspects related to productivity, visibility, impact and consumption of information and relational indicators was applied. 1199 authors were identified, of which 24 have been published 10 or more papers, Margarita García Peña Charity being the most productive author. Cuba turned out to be the country that has contributed work to the journal, while the Centre for Research and Drug Development and Havana where the institution and province were more represented in the sample. The degree of updating of the references used by authors in the articles was equal to 0.31. The topics addressed in the journals were related to the disciplines of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical Analysis.
Palabras clave
Revistas Científicas, Publicaciones Periódicas, Indicadores de Impacto, Indicadores de Visibilidad, Estudios Métricos, Producción Científica, Bibliometría, Revista Cubana de Farmacia, Scientific Production, Scientific Journals, Bibliometric Study