Ineficacia de los actos jurídicos familiares: concepción doctrinal y regulación legal
Ferrán Torres, Melba
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Derecho
Los actos jurídicos son aquellas actuaciones humanas encaminadas a producir el
efecto jurídico que la ley les atribuye; mas no toda declaración de voluntad va a
desplegar dichos efectos, sino que la propia norma va a hacer depender tal
circunstancia de la verificación de ciertos elementos que, de no ser observados,
deviene el acto en ineficaz. Estas cuestiones tienen un escaso tratamiento doctrinal y
deficiente regulación legal en materia familiar, aunque la estrecha relación de esta
rama con el Derecho Civil hace que le sean aplicables estas instituciones. En virtud
de ello, esta investigación, titulada Ineficacia de los actos jurídicos familiares:
concepción doctrinal y regulación legal se encamina a la fundamentación
teórico-jurídica de la aplicación de la teoría general del acto jurídico al matrimonio y
al reconocimiento de hijos como sustento del perfeccionamiento del régimen de
ineficacia de estos actos jurídicos familiares. Estudio novedoso y útil, pues brinda los
fundamentos doctrinales y legales para suplir la deficiencia o carencia en la norma
específica de regulación propia en cuanto a la ineficacia de estos actos jurídicos
familiares, con la aplicación de la legislación sustantiva civil por el carácter supletorio
que la misma posee. Los principales resultados obtenidos se resumen en la
aportación de los presupuestos teóricos-jurídicos para la concreción de la teoría del
acto jurídico en el Derecho de Familia y la fundamentación de las bases que sirven
de sustento para regular la ineficacia del matrimonio y del reconocimiento de los hijos
como actos jurídicos familiares.
Legal acts are those human actions aimed at producing the legal effect that the law attributes to them; but not every declaration of will is going to display these effects, but rather the rule itself will make this circumstance depend of the verification of certain elements that, if they are not observed, will become an ineffective one. These issues have little doctrinal treatment and deficient legal regulation in family matter, although the close relationship between this branch and Civil Law, makes these institutions applicable to them. In virtue of this, this paper, entitled Inefficacy of familiar legal acts: doctrinal conception and legal regulation is directed to the theoretical-juridical foundation of the application of general theory for the legal act of marriage and the recognition of children as sustenance the improvement of the ineffectiveness regime of these family legal acts. A novel and useful study, since it provides the doctrinal and legal foundations to cover the deficiency or lack in the specific norm of self-regulation as regards the ineffectiveness of these family legal acts, with the application of substantive civil legislation for the supplementary nature that the same has. The main results obtained are summarized in the contribution to theoretical-legal assumptions for the concretion of the theory about legal act in Family Law and the foundation of the bases that serve to basis to regulate the ineffectiveness of marriage and the recognition of children as family legal acts.
Legal acts are those human actions aimed at producing the legal effect that the law attributes to them; but not every declaration of will is going to display these effects, but rather the rule itself will make this circumstance depend of the verification of certain elements that, if they are not observed, will become an ineffective one. These issues have little doctrinal treatment and deficient legal regulation in family matter, although the close relationship between this branch and Civil Law, makes these institutions applicable to them. In virtue of this, this paper, entitled Inefficacy of familiar legal acts: doctrinal conception and legal regulation is directed to the theoretical-juridical foundation of the application of general theory for the legal act of marriage and the recognition of children as sustenance the improvement of the ineffectiveness regime of these family legal acts. A novel and useful study, since it provides the doctrinal and legal foundations to cover the deficiency or lack in the specific norm of self-regulation as regards the ineffectiveness of these family legal acts, with the application of substantive civil legislation for the supplementary nature that the same has. The main results obtained are summarized in the contribution to theoretical-legal assumptions for the concretion of the theory about legal act in Family Law and the foundation of the bases that serve to basis to regulate the ineffectiveness of marriage and the recognition of children as family legal acts.
Palabras clave
Actos Jurídicos, Actos Jurídicos Familiares, Ineficacia, Matrimonio, Reconocimiento de Hijos, Legal Acts, Family Legal Acts, Inefficiency, Marriage, Child Recognition