Influencia de los clínkeres cubanos en la producción de cementos ternarios base clínker – arcilla calcinada – caliza LC3
Carvajal Martín, Liseidy
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
La industria del cemento contribuye de forma significativa al progreso de la humanidad, hoy enfocada en reducir la carga contaminante al planeta, promueve la fabricación de los cementos de bajo carbono. El presente trabajo evalúa la utilización de los diferentes clínkeres en la producción de cementos ternarios base clínker – arcillas calcinadas – calizas (LC3). Para ello se prepararon 2 tipos de cementos: Portland y LC3: cemento de bajo carbono cuya composición es 50% clínker más yeso, arcilla calcinada y caliza. Para la formulación de dichos cementos se tomaron muestras de los diferentes clínkeres producidos en el país. Entre las materias primas utilizadas se encuentran el yeso y la caliza, que fueron sometidos a un proceso de reducción de tamaño de partículas, con una trituradora de mandíbulas, y el LC2 (adición mineral compuesta por arcilla calcinada y caliza), que fue tomado de la prueba industrial realizada en la Fábrica de Cemento Siguaney entre diciembre de 2018 y enero de 2019. El cemento fue preparado en un molino vibratorio de cilindros. Las evaluaciones de los cementos obtenidos se realizaron a través de distintos ensayos como Finura, Calorimetría Isotérmica, Blaine y Resistencia Mecánica en morteros normalizados de CP (clínker + yeso) y LC3 (50% CP + 50% LC2). El mejor resultado de resistencia mecánica a los 28 días fue del cemento P-35 alcanzando una resistencia de 62MPa aproximadamente, producido con el clínker de Siguaney, mientras que el LC3 producido con ese mismo clínker tuvo una resistencia de solo 39MPa.
The cement industry contributes significantly to the progress of humanity, today, focused on reducing the pollution load on the planet, promotes the manufacture of low carbon cements. This work evaluates the use of different clinkers in the production of ternary base clinker cements - calcined clays - limestone (LC3). For this, 2 types of cement were prepared: Portland and LC3: low carbon cement whose composition is 50% clinker plus gypsum, calcined clay and limestone. For the formulation of said cements, samples of the different clinkers produced in the country were taken. Among the raw materials used are gypsum and limestone, which were subjected to a process of particle size reduction, with a jaw crusher, and LC2 (mineral addition composed of calcined clay and limestone), which was taken from the industrial test realized at the Siguaney Cement Factory between December of 2018 and January of 2019. The cement was prepared in a vibratory roller mill. The evaluations of the cements obtained were made through different tests such as Fineness, Isothermal Calorimetry, Blaine and Mechanical Resistance in standardized PC mortars (clinker + gypsum) and LC3 (50% PC + 50% LC2). The best result for mechanical resistance at 28 days was of the P-35 cement, reaching a resistance of 62MPa approximately, produced with the Siguaney clinker, while the LC3 produced with that same clinker had a resistance of only 39MPa.
The cement industry contributes significantly to the progress of humanity, today, focused on reducing the pollution load on the planet, promotes the manufacture of low carbon cements. This work evaluates the use of different clinkers in the production of ternary base clinker cements - calcined clays - limestone (LC3). For this, 2 types of cement were prepared: Portland and LC3: low carbon cement whose composition is 50% clinker plus gypsum, calcined clay and limestone. For the formulation of said cements, samples of the different clinkers produced in the country were taken. Among the raw materials used are gypsum and limestone, which were subjected to a process of particle size reduction, with a jaw crusher, and LC2 (mineral addition composed of calcined clay and limestone), which was taken from the industrial test realized at the Siguaney Cement Factory between December of 2018 and January of 2019. The cement was prepared in a vibratory roller mill. The evaluations of the cements obtained were made through different tests such as Fineness, Isothermal Calorimetry, Blaine and Mechanical Resistance in standardized PC mortars (clinker + gypsum) and LC3 (50% PC + 50% LC2). The best result for mechanical resistance at 28 days was of the P-35 cement, reaching a resistance of 62MPa approximately, produced with the Siguaney clinker, while the LC3 produced with that same clinker had a resistance of only 39MPa.
Palabras clave
Clínker, Cemento Portland, Cemento LC3, Resistencia, Clinker, Portland Cement, LC3 Cement, Resistance