Análisis de los financiamientos otorgados con garantías a los tcp en bandec (caso de estudio: Santa Clara)
Boza Campos, Ernesto Dariel
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas
Cuba en los últimos años ha estado enmarcado en un proceso de reordenamiento de sus políticas económicas y sociales, apuntando a la construcción de su propio modelo de gestión económico, destacándose en este ámbito la potenciación de diferentes formas de gestión no estatal figurados en el trabajo por cuenta propia. Como parte de este reordenamiento se enmarca la presencia de la banca como eje dentro de estas nuevas políticas que convinieron en nuevas reformas bancarias para engranar con estas nuevas formas de gestión. En dicho proceso se han otorgado disímiles financiamientos en aras del desarrollo de estas nuevas figuras para frenar la introducción de financiamientos externos que atenten y distorsionen el país.
La presente investigación está dirigida a diagnosticar los financiamientos otorgados con garantías a los TCP por BANDEC, como instrumento para evaluar las políticas de crédito aprobadas en las nuevas formas de gestión. Para ello se utilizó el cien por ciento de los especialistas dirigidos a atender el objeto de estudio de las diferentes sucursales bancarias, para valorar los financiamientos con garantías otorgados por BANDEC a los TCP en Santa Clara. Se asume que, si se realiza una evaluación de los financiamientos otorgados con garantías a los TCP, se podrá evaluar el impacto económico de las políticas de créditos de estas nuevas formas de gestión no estatal en el territorio.
Cuba in recent years has been framed in a process of reordering its economic and social policies, aiming at the construction of its own model of economic management, highlighting in this area the promotion of different forms of non-state management figured in the work on their own. As part of this reorganization, the presence of banks is part of this new policy that agreed on new banking reforms to mesh with these new forms of management. As part of this process, different financing has been granted in order to develop these new figures to stop the introduction of external financing that threatens and distorts the country. The present investigation is directed to diagnose the financings granted with guarantees to the TCP by BANDEC, as an instrument to evaluate the credit policies approved in the new forms of management. For this, one hundred percent of the specialists will be taken to address the object of study of the different bank branches, to assess the financing with guarantees granted by BANDEC to the TCP in Santa Clara. If an evaluation is made of the financing granted with guarantees to the TCP, it will be possible to evaluate the economic impact of the credit policies of these new forms of non-state management in the territory.
Cuba in recent years has been framed in a process of reordering its economic and social policies, aiming at the construction of its own model of economic management, highlighting in this area the promotion of different forms of non-state management figured in the work on their own. As part of this reorganization, the presence of banks is part of this new policy that agreed on new banking reforms to mesh with these new forms of management. As part of this process, different financing has been granted in order to develop these new figures to stop the introduction of external financing that threatens and distorts the country. The present investigation is directed to diagnose the financings granted with guarantees to the TCP by BANDEC, as an instrument to evaluate the credit policies approved in the new forms of management. For this, one hundred percent of the specialists will be taken to address the object of study of the different bank branches, to assess the financing with guarantees granted by BANDEC to the TCP in Santa Clara. If an evaluation is made of the financing granted with guarantees to the TCP, it will be possible to evaluate the economic impact of the credit policies of these new forms of non-state management in the territory.
Palabras clave
Financiamientos, Políticas Económicas y Sociales, Gestión Económico