On the possibilities of existence of photosynthetic life around Alpha Centauri B
Estrada Rodríguez, Gissell
González Noa, Antolín
Cárdenas Ortiz, Rolando Pedro
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Comenzamos con una breve descripción del sistema Alfa del Centauro y sus características fundamentales. Luego, realizamos cálculos sobre varias métricas de habitabilidad, como la productividad biológica Π y las tasas fotosintéticas, en los océanos de los exoplanetas hipotéticos que orbitan alrededor de Alfa del Centauro B. Mediante la inclusión de una función de la temperatura en un modelo fotosintético, describimos el comportamiento de las métricas arriba mencionadas para organismos con células procariotas y eucariotas que pudieran potencialmente vivir en esos exoplanetas.
We start with a brief description of the Alpha Centauri system and its main characteristics. Afterwards, we carry out calculations of several habitability metrics, such as the Π biological productivity and photosynthesis rates, in the oceans of the hypothetical exoplanets orbiting around Alpha Centauri B. By including a function of the temperature in a photosynthetic model, we describe the behavior of the metrics mentioned above for organisms with prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that could potentially live in these exoplanets.
We start with a brief description of the Alpha Centauri system and its main characteristics. Afterwards, we carry out calculations of several habitability metrics, such as the Π biological productivity and photosynthesis rates, in the oceans of the hypothetical exoplanets orbiting around Alpha Centauri B. By including a function of the temperature in a photosynthetic model, we describe the behavior of the metrics mentioned above for organisms with prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that could potentially live in these exoplanets.
Palabras clave
Astrobiología y Materiales Extraterrestres, Fotoquímica, Fotosíntesis, Astrobiology and Extraterrestrial Materials, Photochemistry, Photosynthesis
Estrada Rodríguez, Gissell, González Noa, Antolín y Cárdenas Ortiz, Rolando Pedro. "Sobre las posibilidades de existencia de vida fotosintetica alrededor de alfa del Centauro B." Revista Cubana de Física, vol. 36, no. 2, 2019, p. 114-118