Propuesta de un protocolo de investigación para la realización de ensayos de durabilidad a morteros de albañilería
Toboso Santana, Roberto Javier
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones.Departamento de Ingeniería Civil.
La presente investigación consistió en la elaboración de un protocolo para evaluar el impacto de la cristalización de sales y el humedecimiento y secado en morteros de albañilería usando LC3 y P-35, para ello se realizaron una serie de ensayos físicomecánicos de acuerdo con las especificaciones establecidas en la norma cubana NC 175:2002. Para analizar y valorar el comportamiento del LC3 y P-35 en los morteros de albañilería, se confeccionó un diseño experimental en el que se consideraron las definiciones de variables dependientes, está respondiendo a las propiedades de los morteros en sus diferentes estados, la variable independiente, analizando factores como los cementos y los parámetros de estados los cuales son: tipo de mortero: (IV) cal y áridos (arena de El Purio).
Se caracterizaron las materias primas y se elaboraron 24 probetas prismáticas de 40 x 40 x 160 mm para la realización de los ensayos de resistencia a flexo-compresión y absorción de agua por capilaridad.
El análisis de los resultados permitió validar el empleo del cemento LC3 en morteros de albañilería según las especificaciones exigidas por la normativa cubana y se planteó un protocolo para la evaluación de la durabilidad a muestras de morteros elaborados con cualquier aglomerante.
The present investigation consisted in the elaboration of a protocol to evaluate the impact of the crystallization of salts and the wetting and drying in masonry mortars using LC3 and P-35, for this a series of physico-mechanical tests were carried out in accordance with the specifications established in the Cuban standard NC 175: 2002. To analyze and assess the behavior of LC3 and P-35 in masonry mortars, an experimental design was prepared in which the definitions of dependent variables were considered, this responding to the properties of the mortars in their different states, the independent variable, analyzing factors such as cements and state parameters which are: type of mortar: (IV) lime and aggregates (El Purio sand). The raw materials were characterized and 24 prismatic samples of 40 x 40 x 160 mm were prepared for the performance of flexo-compression and water absorption tests by capillarity. The analysis of the results made it possible to validate the use of LC3 cement in masonry mortars according to the specifications required by Cuban regulations and a protocol was proposed for the evaluation of the durability of samples of mortars made with any binder.
The present investigation consisted in the elaboration of a protocol to evaluate the impact of the crystallization of salts and the wetting and drying in masonry mortars using LC3 and P-35, for this a series of physico-mechanical tests were carried out in accordance with the specifications established in the Cuban standard NC 175: 2002. To analyze and assess the behavior of LC3 and P-35 in masonry mortars, an experimental design was prepared in which the definitions of dependent variables were considered, this responding to the properties of the mortars in their different states, the independent variable, analyzing factors such as cements and state parameters which are: type of mortar: (IV) lime and aggregates (El Purio sand). The raw materials were characterized and 24 prismatic samples of 40 x 40 x 160 mm were prepared for the performance of flexo-compression and water absorption tests by capillarity. The analysis of the results made it possible to validate the use of LC3 cement in masonry mortars according to the specifications required by Cuban regulations and a protocol was proposed for the evaluation of the durability of samples of mortars made with any binder.
Palabras clave
Impacto, Cristalización de Sales, Humedecimiento y Secado, Morteros de Albañilería, LC3, P-35, Norma Cubana(NC), Aridos