Análisis comparativo del comportamiento de morteros de albañilería elaborados con diferentes tipos de arenas
Peña Acosta, Lisbetty
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Ingeniería Civil.
La presente investigación está dirigida a evaluar la influencia de las características de las arenas en el comportamiento de los morteros de albañilería compuestos básicamente por cemento PP-25, arena y agua. El estudio se dirige a investigar cómo influyen las características granulométricas de las arenas en dichos morteros. El trabajo cuenta con tres capítulos en los cuales se aborda el estado del arte sobre el empleo de arenas en morteros de albañilería. Se caracteriza cada una de las arenas objeto de estudio, se analiza la influencia de las características de las arenas en el comportamiento de los morteros de albañilería y finalmente se arriba a conclusiones. Los resultados brindan elementos para efectuar la selección más apropiada de las arenas disponibles.
The present research is aimed at evaluating the influence of sand characteristics on the performance of masonry mortars composed mainly of PP-25 cement, sand and water. The study is directed to investigate how the granulometric characteristics of the sands in these mortars influence. The work has three chapters in which the state of the art on the use of sands in masonry mortars is discussed. It is characterized each of the arenas object of study, it analyzes the influence of the characteristics of the sands in the behavior of the mortars of masonry and finally it arrives at conclusions. The results provide elements to make the most appropriate selection of the available sands.
The present research is aimed at evaluating the influence of sand characteristics on the performance of masonry mortars composed mainly of PP-25 cement, sand and water. The study is directed to investigate how the granulometric characteristics of the sands in these mortars influence. The work has three chapters in which the state of the art on the use of sands in masonry mortars is discussed. It is characterized each of the arenas object of study, it analyzes the influence of the characteristics of the sands in the behavior of the mortars of masonry and finally it arrives at conclusions. The results provide elements to make the most appropriate selection of the available sands.
Palabras clave
Morteros de Albañilería, Arenas, Análisis Comparativo