Elaboración de Mapas Temáticos Hidrogeológicos para gestionar los recursos hídricos de la Cuenca Subterránea CF1 Hanábana.
Mantilla Sueiro, Mario César
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica
La Empresa de Aprovechamiento Hidráulico de Cienfuegos no cuenta con Mapas Temáticos Hidrogeológicos digitalizados actualizados referidos a la calidad y distribución espacial del agua subterránea que permitan administrar de forma eficiente este recurso en la Cuenca CF1 Hanábana, por lo cual se propuso elaborar los Mapas Temáticos Hidrogeológicos digitalizados a partir de las herramientas computacionales que permitan gestionar los Recursos Hídricos de la Cuenca Subterránea CF1 Hanábana sobre la base de su calidad y empleo. Para ello se seleccionaron 36 pozos los cuales son los más representativos de toda la cuenca subterránea yendo desde el umbral de la misma hacia el centro; software como ArcGIS 10.2, Surfer 11.2 y MapInfo 10.5 se obtuvieron dichos mapas de calidad del agua como son el de pH, el de calcio, el de magnesio y sales solubles totales, entre otros, además el de hidroisohipsas que brindan las condiciones del flujo subterráneo, las zonas de recarga mediante pluviómetros, etc.; y el de isotransmisibilidad.
The Hydraulic Utilization Company of Cienfuegos does not have updated digitized Hydrogeological Thematic Maps referring to the quality and spatial distribution of groundwater that allow efficient management of this resource in the Hanábana CF1 Basin, for which purpose it was proposed to elaborate the digitized Hydrogeological Thematic Maps from the computational tools that allow managing the Water Resources of the Hanábana CF1 Underground Basin based on its quality and employment. To do this, 36 wells were selected, which are the most representative of the entire underground basin, going from the threshold to the center; Software such as ArcGIS 10.2, Surfer 11.2 and MapInfo 10.5 were obtained such maps of water quality such as pH, calcium, magnesium and total soluble salts, among others, in addition to hydroisohipsas that provide the conditions of underground flow, the recharge zones by rain gauges, etc ; and that of isotransmissibility.
The Hydraulic Utilization Company of Cienfuegos does not have updated digitized Hydrogeological Thematic Maps referring to the quality and spatial distribution of groundwater that allow efficient management of this resource in the Hanábana CF1 Basin, for which purpose it was proposed to elaborate the digitized Hydrogeological Thematic Maps from the computational tools that allow managing the Water Resources of the Hanábana CF1 Underground Basin based on its quality and employment. To do this, 36 wells were selected, which are the most representative of the entire underground basin, going from the threshold to the center; Software such as ArcGIS 10.2, Surfer 11.2 and MapInfo 10.5 were obtained such maps of water quality such as pH, calcium, magnesium and total soluble salts, among others, in addition to hydroisohipsas that provide the conditions of underground flow, the recharge zones by rain gauges, etc ; and that of isotransmissibility.
Palabras clave
Recursos de agua, Mapas temáticos hidrogeológicos, Calidad del agua, Flujo subterráneo, Cuenca Hánabana, Water Resources, Hydrogeological Thematic Maps, Resource, Water quality, isotransmissibility, Isotransmissibility, Underground flow, Hydroisohipsas, Basin