Dimensionamiento de una planta de producción de cerveza empleando malta de sorgo a partir de diferentes condiciones experimentales
Keron Felix, Arnold
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química
El estudio investigativo que se presenta constituyó la base para el dimensionamiento de una planta de cerveza a partir de sorgo, basado en la experiencia desarrollada en algunos trabajos que han sido realizados a escala experimental. Con el empleo de los métodos de investigación teóricos y empíricos se analizaron tres estudios experimentales : un primer estudio donde se trabajó con cuatro (4) variables experimentales diferentes donde fue utilizado el grano UDG -110 como materia prima, en el que se obtuvo que la combinación que brindó el mejor grado alcohólico fue una relación malta/líquido de 133 g/L, una concentración de enzima exógena de 0,08% p/p, una relación de adjunto (jarabe de sorgo) /malta de 50/50 y una concentración de inoculo de 1g/L. Un segundo estudio con el mismo sorgo que tuvo solo dos variables independientes; concentración de la enzima y tipo de adjunto, se concluyó que la mejor combinación fue usar el sorgo como adjunto y una concentración de la enzima de 0,7 % p/p. En el tercer estudio donde se utilizó la malta de otra variedad de sorgo, el ISIAP Dorado y la malta de cebada en diferentes proporciones, se reportó que la combinación que generó el mejor grado alcohólico fue la de 20% de malta de sorgo en la malta total. Para un mejor entendimiento de los resultados se hizo una comparación de los tres estudios fundamentado en las mejoras del grado alcohólico y se concluyó que la mejor alternativa de cerveza libre de gluten fue la del primer estudio y con vistas al ahorro por sustitución de importaciones el tercer estudio, el cual brindó los mejores resultados en cuanto al grado alcohólico, por lo que esta fue la base para el dimensionamiento desarrollado en este trabajo. Utilizando las herramientas del balance de materiales y energéticos y empelando un 30% de malta de sorgo para una capacidad de 25 HL de cerveza/templa, se logró un costo de producción de 474 604,67 $/año con una ganancia igual a 1 895 418,91 y un plazo de recuperación de la inversión en 2 años.
The investigative study that is presented provided the base for the dimensioning of a beer plant from sorghum, based in the developed experience in some studies that had been realized at an experimental level. With the use of theoretic and empiric investigative methods, three experimental studies were analyzed: a first study where four (4) different experimental variables were used where the UDG – 110 grain was utilized as raw material, in which it was obtained that the combination that presented the best alcoholic grade was a malt/liquid ratio of 133 g/L, an exogenous enzyme concentration of 0.08% p/p, an adjunct ratio of sorghum syrup/ malt of 50/50 and an inoculum concentration of 1g/L. In the second study with the same type of sorghum which only had two independent variables; enzyme concentration and adjunct ratio, it was concluded that the best combination was to use sorghum as the adjunct and an enzyme concentration of 0.7% p/p. In the third study in which another variety of malted sorghum was used, ISIAP Dorado and malted barley in different proportions, it was reported that the combination that generated the best alcoholic grade was that of 20% of malted sorghum in the total malt. For better understanding of the results a comparison of the three studies focusing on the bettering of the alcoholic grade and it was concluded that the best alternative of gluten free beer was of the first study and that which had sites for substitution of imports was the third study, which offered the best results in the alcoholic grade, which is why it was the base of the developed dimensioning in this work. Using mass and energy balance tools and using 30% of malted sorghum for a capacity of 25 HL of beer/temple, a production cost of $474,604.67 per year was obtained with a profit equal to $1,895,418.91 and a n investment recuperation period of 2 years.
The investigative study that is presented provided the base for the dimensioning of a beer plant from sorghum, based in the developed experience in some studies that had been realized at an experimental level. With the use of theoretic and empiric investigative methods, three experimental studies were analyzed: a first study where four (4) different experimental variables were used where the UDG – 110 grain was utilized as raw material, in which it was obtained that the combination that presented the best alcoholic grade was a malt/liquid ratio of 133 g/L, an exogenous enzyme concentration of 0.08% p/p, an adjunct ratio of sorghum syrup/ malt of 50/50 and an inoculum concentration of 1g/L. In the second study with the same type of sorghum which only had two independent variables; enzyme concentration and adjunct ratio, it was concluded that the best combination was to use sorghum as the adjunct and an enzyme concentration of 0.7% p/p. In the third study in which another variety of malted sorghum was used, ISIAP Dorado and malted barley in different proportions, it was reported that the combination that generated the best alcoholic grade was that of 20% of malted sorghum in the total malt. For better understanding of the results a comparison of the three studies focusing on the bettering of the alcoholic grade and it was concluded that the best alternative of gluten free beer was of the first study and that which had sites for substitution of imports was the third study, which offered the best results in the alcoholic grade, which is why it was the base of the developed dimensioning in this work. Using mass and energy balance tools and using 30% of malted sorghum for a capacity of 25 HL of beer/temple, a production cost of $474,604.67 per year was obtained with a profit equal to $1,895,418.91 and a n investment recuperation period of 2 years.
Palabras clave
Malteado de Cereales