La tarea Vida en la Secundaria Básica
Castro Plasencia, Ana Rosa
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Media. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales.
La investigación aborda un tema de gran impacto para la secundaria básica, pues
brinda la propuesta de actividades mediante un círculo de interés para contribuir a la
Educación Ambiental en estudiantes de 9no grado de la ESBU Fe del Valle Ramos.
Para la realización de esta investigación se emplearon varios métodos, del nivel
teórico: analítico- sintético, el inductivo- deductivo y el histórico- lógico; en el nivel
empírico: el análisis de documentos, la observación científica, la encuesta, la entrevista,
el criterio de evaluadores externos y el pre-experimento pedagógico con pre test y pos
test y del nivel matemático- estadístico, la estadística descriptiva con el análisis
porcentual. El aporte está dado por la propuesta que constituye un medio eficaz para
darle cumplimiento a objetivos generales del MINED. La novedad científica de la
investigación se expresa en la solución de una problemática existente en la secundaria
básica, objeto de estudio, no antes tratada por investigaciones precedentes, y se
encamina al cumplimiento a la Tarea Vida como Plan de Estado para el enfrentamiento
al cambio climático mediante un círculo de interés. Las actividades fueron
confeccionadas de una manera amena y adecuadas a las carencias y potencialidades
de la muestra seleccionada para la investigación. Los evaluadores externos valoran de
adecuada la propuesta de actividades relacionadas con la Tarea Vida para contribuir a
la Educación ambiental y consideran que tiene calidad y pertinencia nec esaria para ser
aplicada. En la investigación se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios en los estudiantes,
quienes se motivaron por participar, adquirir conocimientos ambientales relacionados
con la Tarea Vida y manifestar un comportamiento adecuado respecto al
The research deals with a topic of great impact for High School, because it offers the proposal of activities through a circle of interest to contribute to the Environmental Education in 9th grade students of ESBU “Fe del Valle Ramos”. In order to carry out this research, several methods were used, from the theoretical level: analytic -synthetic, inductive-deductive and historical-logical; and from the empirical level: the analysis of documents, scientific observation, the survey, the interview, the criterion of external evaluators and the pedagogical pre-experiment with pre-test and post-test and the mathematical-statistical level, the descriptive statistics with the analysis percentage. The contribution is given by the proposal that constitutes an effective means to comply with the general objectives of the MINED. The scientific novelty of the research is expressed in the solution of a problem existing in high school, object of study, not previously treated by previous research, and is directed to the fulfillment of the Life Task as a State Plan for the confrontation to climate change through a circle of interest. The activities were prepared in an entertaining way and adapted to the lacks and potentialities of the sample selected for the research. The external evaluators assess the proposal of activities related to the Life Task as appropriate to contribute to environmental education and consider that it has the necessary quality and relevance to be applied. In the research, satisfactory results were obtained in the students, who were motivated to participate, acquire environmental knowledge related to the Life Task and express an adequate behavior with respect to the environment.
The research deals with a topic of great impact for High School, because it offers the proposal of activities through a circle of interest to contribute to the Environmental Education in 9th grade students of ESBU “Fe del Valle Ramos”. In order to carry out this research, several methods were used, from the theoretical level: analytic -synthetic, inductive-deductive and historical-logical; and from the empirical level: the analysis of documents, scientific observation, the survey, the interview, the criterion of external evaluators and the pedagogical pre-experiment with pre-test and post-test and the mathematical-statistical level, the descriptive statistics with the analysis percentage. The contribution is given by the proposal that constitutes an effective means to comply with the general objectives of the MINED. The scientific novelty of the research is expressed in the solution of a problem existing in high school, object of study, not previously treated by previous research, and is directed to the fulfillment of the Life Task as a State Plan for the confrontation to climate change through a circle of interest. The activities were prepared in an entertaining way and adapted to the lacks and potentialities of the sample selected for the research. The external evaluators assess the proposal of activities related to the Life Task as appropriate to contribute to environmental education and consider that it has the necessary quality and relevance to be applied. In the research, satisfactory results were obtained in the students, who were motivated to participate, acquire environmental knowledge related to the Life Task and express an adequate behavior with respect to the environment.
Palabras clave
Educación Secundaria Básica, Educación Ambiental, Actividades Escolares