Procedimiento para la evaluación de los procesos de software en la UEB ¨Aplicaciones de Redes¨ de la UNE
Martín Toledo, Kirenia
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
Cada día se hacen mayores exigencias a la industria del software; medidas en términos de productividad, calidad y mantenibilidad de los sistemas. Para satisfacer esta demanda se han desarrollado una diversidad de modelos y normas entre éstos: CMMI (Capability Matutity Model Integration) e ISO. También están los que se orientan al fortalecimiento de la industria de software en pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMES), como Light MECPDS (Modelo de evaluación colombiano de procesos de desarrollo de Software), MPS-BR(Mejora de Procesos de Software brasileño) y MoProSoft (Modelos de procesos para la industria del software) de México, los que facilitan a estas empresas dar respuestas a dos situaciones: por imagen y por necesidad, para incursionar y mantenerse en un mercado global y hacer de sus proyectos unidades administrativas eficaces y
eficientes. Producir software en tiempo y con el menor costo, como requerimiento de calidad, es una estrategia primordial de las PyMES, para ello deben lograr la mejora de los procesos de software. La UEB ¨Aplicaciones de Redes¨ perteneciente a ATI1 de la Unión Eléctrica Cubana (UNE) no está ajena a esta problemática, la clave está en ofrecer un enfoque de ingeniería al desarrollo del software, y proporcionar asistencia práctica a la dirección de la empresa y a las personas que lo desarrollan. En la investigación se evalúan los procesos de software en la organización, se aplica un procedimiento general y sus procedimientos específicos de apoyo, como contribución a la estandarización de sus prácticas, con el establecimiento un plan de acción para el mejoramiento de los procesos en la organización.
Every day they become bigger demands to the industry of the software; measures in terms of productivity, quality and maintainability of the systems. To satisfy this demand a diversity of models and norms they have been developed among these: CMMI (Capability Matutity Model Integration) and ISO. They are also those that are guided to the invigoration of the software industry in small and medium companies (PyMES), as Light MECPDS (I Model of Colombian evaluation of processes of development of Software), MPS-BR (Improvement of Processes of Brazilian Software) and MoProSoft (Models of processes for the industry of the software) of Mexico, those that facilitate to these companies to give answers to two situations: for image and from necessity, to intrude and to stay in a global market and to make of their projects administrative effective and efficient units. To produce software in time and with the smallest cost, as requirement of quality, it is a primordial strategy of PyMES, for they should achieve it the improvement of the software processes. UEB ¨ Applications of Nets ¨belonging to ATI1 of the Union Electric Cuban (it UNITES) is not unaware to this problem, the key is in offering an engineering focus to the development of the software, and to provide practical attendance to the address of the company and people that develop it. In the investigation the software processes are evaluated in the organization, it is applied a general procedure and their specific procedures of support, as contribution to the standardization of their practices, with the establishment an action plan for the improvement of the processes in the organization.
Every day they become bigger demands to the industry of the software; measures in terms of productivity, quality and maintainability of the systems. To satisfy this demand a diversity of models and norms they have been developed among these: CMMI (Capability Matutity Model Integration) and ISO. They are also those that are guided to the invigoration of the software industry in small and medium companies (PyMES), as Light MECPDS (I Model of Colombian evaluation of processes of development of Software), MPS-BR (Improvement of Processes of Brazilian Software) and MoProSoft (Models of processes for the industry of the software) of Mexico, those that facilitate to these companies to give answers to two situations: for image and from necessity, to intrude and to stay in a global market and to make of their projects administrative effective and efficient units. To produce software in time and with the smallest cost, as requirement of quality, it is a primordial strategy of PyMES, for they should achieve it the improvement of the software processes. UEB ¨ Applications of Nets ¨belonging to ATI1 of the Union Electric Cuban (it UNITES) is not unaware to this problem, the key is in offering an engineering focus to the development of the software, and to provide practical attendance to the address of the company and people that develop it. In the investigation the software processes are evaluated in the organization, it is applied a general procedure and their specific procedures of support, as contribution to the standardization of their practices, with the establishment an action plan for the improvement of the processes in the organization.
Palabras clave
Industrias, Software, Calidad, Mantenimiento