La Orientación Profesional Pedagógica desde la Biología y la Química
Rojas Santos, Fernando Javier
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La investigación que se presenta se dirige a resolver una de las prioridades del Ministerio de Educación en Cuba al tratar la Orientación Profesional Pedagógica en los estudiantes de preuniversitario. La propuesta aporta una sociedad científica con una proyección diferente que tiene como centro la realización de actividades experimentales desde los contenidos biológicos y químicos apoyados en el programa de 10mo grado del nivel preuniversitario. A través de la sociedad científica se logra potenciar las habilidades relacionadas con la profesión pedagógica, las habilidades investigativas, se favorece el aprendizaje de las ciencias biológicas y químicas, la creatividad y el vínculo entre la familia, la escuela y la comunidad al formar parte de los proyectos sociocomunitarios. Los métodos utilizados permiten asumir posiciones respecto al tema investigado y valorar la importancia del desarrollo de las actividades experimentales para potenciar la Orientación Profesional Pedagógica así como determinar las necesidades. La puesta en práctica de la sociedad científica alcanza resultados positivos en la Orientación Profesional Pedagógica hacia las carreras de Biología y Química.
The research presented is directed to solving one of the priorities of the Ministry of Education in Cuba to treat Vocational Guidance Education in senior high school students. The proposal provides a scientific society with a different projection, whose center is conducting experimental activities from biological and chemical content supported by the 10th grade program. Through scientific society is achieved by enhancing skills related to the teaching profession, research skills, learning biological and chemical sciences, creativity and the link between family, school and community is encouraged to join the socio-community projects. The methods used allow assume positions on the researched topic and appreciate the importance of the development of the experimental activities to enhance teaching vocational guidance and determine needs. The implementation of the scientific society achieves positive results in teaching vocational guidance to careers in Biology and Chemistry.
The research presented is directed to solving one of the priorities of the Ministry of Education in Cuba to treat Vocational Guidance Education in senior high school students. The proposal provides a scientific society with a different projection, whose center is conducting experimental activities from biological and chemical content supported by the 10th grade program. Through scientific society is achieved by enhancing skills related to the teaching profession, research skills, learning biological and chemical sciences, creativity and the link between family, school and community is encouraged to join the socio-community projects. The methods used allow assume positions on the researched topic and appreciate the importance of the development of the experimental activities to enhance teaching vocational guidance and determine needs. The implementation of the scientific society achieves positive results in teaching vocational guidance to careers in Biology and Chemistry.
Palabras clave
Educación Preuniversitaria, Biología, Química, Orientación Profesional Pedagógica, Sociedades Científicas, Actividades Experimentales