La mujer y la protección jurídica de sus derechos humanos
Martínez Pérez, Sheyla
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Derecho
El presente trabajo investigativo lleva por título: “La mujer y la protección jurídica de sus derechos humanos”, constituyendo una de las aristas investigativas más interesantes dentro de esta temática, por ser objeto de polémica y análisis, no solo en Cuba, sino también en el resto del mundo, dada la importancia que reviste el hecho que la mujer cuente con un reconocimiento social y jurídico en cada sociedad contemporánea. El Objetivo General está dirigido a valorar la protección a los Derechos Humanos relativos a la mujer a la luz del ordenamiento jurídico y la práctica cubana, para contribuir a la observancia de estos a nivel internacional. Como Objetivos Específicos se precisa: sistematizar los elementos teóricos jurídicos en torno a la protección a los Derechos Humanos relativos a la mujer. En segundo lugar, determinar los instrumentos jurídicos que le brindan protección a los derechos humanos relativos a la mujer en el plano internacional y finalmente identificar fortalezas y debilidades en la protección a los derechos humanos relativos a la mujer en ordenamientos jurídicos internacionales y la práctica cubana.
Para lograr fundamentar el trabajo, se precisó la utilización de diferentes métodos y técnicas de investigación, dentro de los métodos teóricos están: teórico-jurídico, histórico-lógico, el exegético-analítico; así como el análisis de documentos y el estudio de casos.
The present investigative work is entitle: " The juridical protection of women and their human rights", constituting one of the most interesting investigative edges inside this thematic, It is being discussing not alone in Cuba, but also in the rest of the world because the importance and by the fact that the woman has a social and juridical recognition in each contemporary society. The General main is directed to value the protection concerning the Human rights of women in the scope of the juridical classification and the Cuban practice, to contribute to their observance at the international level. As Specific Objectives we try to systematize the juridical theoretical elements around the protection of Human rights relative to women. In second place, to determine the juridical instruments that offer protection to the relative human rights to t women in the international plane and finally to identify strengths and weaknesses in the protection of women´s human rights in international legislations and in the Cuban practice. To be able to base the work, it was necessary the use different methods and techniques of investigation. Among the theoretical methods we have: theoretical-juridical and historical logical, the exegetic-analytic one; as well as the analysis of documents and the study of cases.
The present investigative work is entitle: " The juridical protection of women and their human rights", constituting one of the most interesting investigative edges inside this thematic, It is being discussing not alone in Cuba, but also in the rest of the world because the importance and by the fact that the woman has a social and juridical recognition in each contemporary society. The General main is directed to value the protection concerning the Human rights of women in the scope of the juridical classification and the Cuban practice, to contribute to their observance at the international level. As Specific Objectives we try to systematize the juridical theoretical elements around the protection of Human rights relative to women. In second place, to determine the juridical instruments that offer protection to the relative human rights to t women in the international plane and finally to identify strengths and weaknesses in the protection of women´s human rights in international legislations and in the Cuban practice. To be able to base the work, it was necessary the use different methods and techniques of investigation. Among the theoretical methods we have: theoretical-juridical and historical logical, the exegetic-analytic one; as well as the analysis of documents and the study of cases.
Palabras clave
Mujer, Discriminación, Protección, Ordenamientos Jurídicos, Human Rights, Women, Discrimination, Protection, Juridical Systems