La motricidad fina en los niños y niñas del grado preescolar de la escuela primaria Manolo Garrido Rodríguez
González González, Lucía de La Caridad
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento Educación Preescolar. Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar.
El trabajo con la motricidad fina en la Primera Infancia es muy importante pues esta
se desarrolla en todos los momentos del proceso educativo y constituye un aspecto
de gran importancia para el desarrollo integral de los niños. El trabajo que se
presenta, ha sido realizado teniendo en cuenta las dificultades que se han
presentado con el control muscular en los niños del grado preescolar. En esta
investigación se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico tales como: analítico – sintético,
inductivo – deductivo, histórico – lógico y enfoque de sistemas, del nivel empírico:
análisis de documentos, situación pedagógica, observación y encuesta a
especialistas y del nivel matemático – estadístico: el cálculo porcentual y la
estadística descriptiva. La muestra utilizada fue de 20 niños, del grado preescolar,
de la escuela primaria Manolo Garrido Rodríguez, del municipio Sagua la Grande.
Los resultados de los instrumentos aplicados, evidenciaron que los niños,
presentan dificultad específicamente en el control muscular Para resolver esta
problemática se diseñó un sistema de actividades con 12 actividades, las mismas
fueron valoradas por criterio de especialistas, los que consideran que la propuesta
es novedosa, útil, aplicable y resuelve un problema detectado en la práctica.
The work with the fine matricide in the First Childhood is very important because this it is developed in all the moments of the educational process and it constitutes an aspect of great importance for the integral development of the children. The work that is presented, has been carried out keeping in mind the difficulties that have been presented with the muscular control in the children of the degree preschooler. In this investigation methods of the such theoretical level were used as: analytic - synthetic, inductive - deductive, historical - logical and focus of systems, of the empiric level: analysis of documents, pedagogic situation, observation and it interviews specialists and of the mathematical level - statistical: the percentage calculation and the descriptive statistic. The used sample belonged to 20 children, of the degree preschooler, of the primary school Good-looking Manolo Rodríguez, of the municipality Sagua the Big one. The results of the applied instruments, evidenced that the children, present you hinder specifically in the muscular control to solve this problem a system of activities it was designed with 12 activities, the same ones were valued the by specialists' approach those that consider that the proposal is novel, useful, applicable and it solves a problem detected in the practice.
The work with the fine matricide in the First Childhood is very important because this it is developed in all the moments of the educational process and it constitutes an aspect of great importance for the integral development of the children. The work that is presented, has been carried out keeping in mind the difficulties that have been presented with the muscular control in the children of the degree preschooler. In this investigation methods of the such theoretical level were used as: analytic - synthetic, inductive - deductive, historical - logical and focus of systems, of the empiric level: analysis of documents, pedagogic situation, observation and it interviews specialists and of the mathematical level - statistical: the percentage calculation and the descriptive statistic. The used sample belonged to 20 children, of the degree preschooler, of the primary school Good-looking Manolo Rodríguez, of the municipality Sagua the Big one. The results of the applied instruments, evidenced that the children, present you hinder specifically in the muscular control to solve this problem a system of activities it was designed with 12 activities, the same ones were valued the by specialists' approach those that consider that the proposal is novel, useful, applicable and it solves a problem detected in the practice.
Palabras clave
Educación de la Primera Infancia, Educación Preescolar, Primera Infancia, Motricidad, Proceso de Aprendizaje