La educación para la paz mediante una sociedad científica en el preuniversitario
Rodríguez Díaz, Denisse
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
El presente trabajo contiene un programa de sociedad científica fundamentado en la necesidad de preparar a las nuevas generaciones para enfrentar con soluciones pacíficas los conflictos de la vida cotidiana, a nivel micro social, centrado en la formación de valores morales por su alto papel regulador. Se orienta hacia la educación para la paz y por tanto a la convivencia ciudadana, la autoestima, la regulación ética de la conducta a partir del humanismo.
Se propone su desarrollo con alumnos de preuniversitario, particularmente con el contenido seleccionado sobre la violencia por ser este un problema social y de salud. Se proponen diferentes formas de abordar las temáticas seleccionadas en correspondencia con las características de las sociedades científicas. El empleo de diferentes métodos de investigación en la concepción y aplicación en la práctica educativa del programa, posibilitó obtener resultados satisfactorios en el preuniversitario Mariano Clemente Prado del municipio de Santa Clara.
The present work contains a program of scientific society based on the need to prepare the new generations to face with peaceful solutions conflicts of daily life, at the micro social level, centered on the formation of moral values for its high regulatory role. It is oriented towards education for peace and therefore to citizen coexistence, self-esteem, ethical regulation of behavior based on humanism. Its development is proposed with pre-university students, particularly with the selected content on violence because this is a social and health problem. Different ways of approaching the selected themes are proposed in correspondence with the characteristics of scientific societies. The use of different research methods in the conception and application in the educational practice of the program, allowed to obtain satisfactory results in the pre-university Mariano Clemente Prado of the municipality of Santa Clara
The present work contains a program of scientific society based on the need to prepare the new generations to face with peaceful solutions conflicts of daily life, at the micro social level, centered on the formation of moral values for its high regulatory role. It is oriented towards education for peace and therefore to citizen coexistence, self-esteem, ethical regulation of behavior based on humanism. Its development is proposed with pre-university students, particularly with the selected content on violence because this is a social and health problem. Different ways of approaching the selected themes are proposed in correspondence with the characteristics of scientific societies. The use of different research methods in the conception and application in the educational practice of the program, allowed to obtain satisfactory results in the pre-university Mariano Clemente Prado of the municipality of Santa Clara
Palabras clave
Sociedad científica, Educación para la paz, Educación preuniversitaria, Formación de valores