Evaluación y control al subsistema inventario en la empresa provincial de farmacias y ópticas de Villa Clara
Sánchez Gordillo, Bárbara Elizabeth
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas. Faculdad de Ciencia Empresariales. Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas
El desarrollo de la economía y la expansión de las relaciones económicas han producido conflictos que afectan el entorno internacional provocando una crisis financiera global Cuba no está exenta de los impactos de esta crisis, es por ello que se encuentra inmersa en un proceso de cambios sustanciales manifestados en la actualización de su modelo económico. Para lograr cumplir los objetivos con eficiencia, orden y disciplina, elevar la responsabilidad y facultad de las empresas, y desplegar al máximo sus potencialidades, es imprescindible el fortalecimiento de las acciones de control, en ese caso la auditoría juega un papel fundamental como herramienta para detectar y erradicar problemas que dificultan un control interno absoluto. El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en la Empresa Provincial de Farmacias y Óptica de Villa Clara como entidad rectora de los servicios farmacéuticos comunitarios donde se realiza una guía de evaluación y control al subsistema de inventario pues se encontró dificultades con la referencia cruzada entre vales y solicitudes de los almacenes de insumos y comedor, presenta una limitada preparación y falta de capacitación de directivos, especialistas y técnicos. Se realizó un diagnóstico a los componentes y normas que integran este sistema comprobándose que no tienen instrumentado documentalmente los mecanismos para un buen control. En tal sentido se elabora una guía de evaluación y control, que permita un eficiente funcionamiento del control interno.
The development of the economy and the expansion of economic relations have produced conflicts that affect the international environment causing a global financial crisis. Cuba is not exempt from the impacts of this crisis, which is why it immersed in a process of substantial changes manifested in the updating of its economic model. To achieve the objectives with efficiency, order and discipline, raise the responsibility and faculty of the companies, and deploy to the maximum their potential, it is essential to strengthen the control actions, in this case the audit plays a fundamental role as a tool for detect and eradicate problems that hinder absolute internal control. Present work was carried out in the Provincial Pharmacy and Optical Company of Villa Clara as the guiding entity of the community pharmacy services where an evaluation and control guide is made to the inventory subsystem because it was found difficult to cross reference between vouchers and requests of the warehouses of supplies and dining room, presents / displays a limited preparation and lack of qualification of directors, specialists and technicians. A diagnosis made to the components and norms that make up this system proving that they do not have document ally instrumented the mechanisms for a good control. In this sense, an evaluation and control guide drawn up, this allows an efficient operation of internal control.
The development of the economy and the expansion of economic relations have produced conflicts that affect the international environment causing a global financial crisis. Cuba is not exempt from the impacts of this crisis, which is why it immersed in a process of substantial changes manifested in the updating of its economic model. To achieve the objectives with efficiency, order and discipline, raise the responsibility and faculty of the companies, and deploy to the maximum their potential, it is essential to strengthen the control actions, in this case the audit plays a fundamental role as a tool for detect and eradicate problems that hinder absolute internal control. Present work was carried out in the Provincial Pharmacy and Optical Company of Villa Clara as the guiding entity of the community pharmacy services where an evaluation and control guide is made to the inventory subsystem because it was found difficult to cross reference between vouchers and requests of the warehouses of supplies and dining room, presents / displays a limited preparation and lack of qualification of directors, specialists and technicians. A diagnosis made to the components and norms that make up this system proving that they do not have document ally instrumented the mechanisms for a good control. In this sense, an evaluation and control guide drawn up, this allows an efficient operation of internal control.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo de la Economía, Crisis Financiera Global, Modelo Económico