Caracterización de los proyectos de vida de los adolescentes de los Hogares de Amparo Familiar de Santa Clara
Aladro Rodríguez, Martha Yisel
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
La investigación que se presenta bajo el título “Caracterización de los proyectos de vida de los adolescentes de los Hogares de Amparo Familiar de Santa Clara” se orientó a caracterizar sus proyectos de vida para dar respuesta a la interrogante científica: ¿Qué características distinguen los proyectos de vida de los adolescentes de los Hogares de Amparo Familiar de Santa Clara? Se empleó el método de estudio de casos múltiples en los marcos de un paradigma humanístico-interpretativo. Como técnicas de recogida de la información fueron utilizadas la entrevista, la observación, el RAMDI, la escala de autovaloración Dembo-Rubinstein y la revisión de documentos oficiales. Para el procesamiento se utilizó el análisis de contenido. Participan siete adolescentes de dos de los hogares y como informantes clave las directoras, auxiliares pedagógicas y trabajadoras sociales. Los resultados muestran que las proyecciones futuras de los adolescentes están orientadas hacia las esferas profesional, escolar y familiar, por la frecuencia y jerarquía con que aparecen. Los proyectos de vida se caracterizan por ser poco estructurados, carentes de mediatización reflexiva, pero con una orientación emocional en forma de vivencias afectivas de agrado y satisfacción que los convierte en intereses profesionales, estudiantiles y familiares. Resalta además la insuficiente valoración de las posibilidades u obstáculos para el logro de sus objetivos a mediano y largo plazo. Entre los planes y estrategias que proponen para alcanzar los propósitos referidos a sus intereses profesionales se encuentra estudiar con intensidad, graduarse del nivel medio de enseñanza y graduarse del nivel superior.
The research presented under the title Specifications for projects of teenage life of Amparo Family Homes Santa Clara was aimed at describing the specifics of their life projects to answer the scientific question: What characteristics distinguish the projects teenage life of Amparo Family Homes Santa Clara? We used the method of multiple case studies within the framework of a humanistic-interpretative paradigm. Techniques were used as information gathering interview, observation, Ramdi, scale Dembo-Rubinstein self-assessment and review of official documents. For processing we used the content analysis. Involving seven teenagers from two households and key informants as the principals, teaching assistants and social workers. The results show that the future projections of adolescents are targeted to professional fields, school and family, and rank the frequency with which they appear. Life projects are characterized as unstructured, lacking in reflective mediation, but with an emotional orientation as affective experiences of pleasure and satisfaction that makes professional, student and family. Also highlights the inadequate assessment of the opportunities or obstacles to achieving their objectives in the medium and long term. Among the plans and strategies proposed to achieve the purposes referred to their professional interests is intensively studied, the average level of graduate education and graduate from higher education
The research presented under the title Specifications for projects of teenage life of Amparo Family Homes Santa Clara was aimed at describing the specifics of their life projects to answer the scientific question: What characteristics distinguish the projects teenage life of Amparo Family Homes Santa Clara? We used the method of multiple case studies within the framework of a humanistic-interpretative paradigm. Techniques were used as information gathering interview, observation, Ramdi, scale Dembo-Rubinstein self-assessment and review of official documents. For processing we used the content analysis. Involving seven teenagers from two households and key informants as the principals, teaching assistants and social workers. The results show that the future projections of adolescents are targeted to professional fields, school and family, and rank the frequency with which they appear. Life projects are characterized as unstructured, lacking in reflective mediation, but with an emotional orientation as affective experiences of pleasure and satisfaction that makes professional, student and family. Also highlights the inadequate assessment of the opportunities or obstacles to achieving their objectives in the medium and long term. Among the plans and strategies proposed to achieve the purposes referred to their professional interests is intensively studied, the average level of graduate education and graduate from higher education
Palabras clave
Proyectos de Vida, Adolescentes, Hogares de Amparo Familiar