El Bambú como refuerzo en materiales compuestos para la construcción
Rodríguez Hernández, Reinier
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Ingeniería Civil.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo central la conformación de bases teóricas y criterios de utilización prácticos del uso del bambú como refuerzo en materiales compuestos para la construcción. Esta necesidad se desprendió de la dispersión de los trabajos investigativos enmarcados en el tema, haciendo que su comprensión y procesamiento resultara complicado. Para el cumplimiento de la tarea, primeramente, se expusieron los principales parámetros físicos – mecánicos del bambú para lograr su caracterización como material de construcción. Seguidamente se establecieron condiciones técnicas – constructivas, propiedades físico – mecánicas del uso de fibras de bambú tanto en matrices cementicias como poliméricas. Finalmente se plantearon las principales propiedades y recomendaciones del uso de tablillas (cañas) y cables de bambú en hormigón armado en sustitución del acero de refuerzo.
The present research had as main objective the conformation of theoretical bases and practical use criteria of the bamboo as reinforcement in composite materials for construction. This need arose from the dispersion of the existent research works regarding to the subject, making their understanding and processing complicated. For the completion of the task, first, the main physical - mechanical parameters of the bamboo were exposed to obtain its characterization as a construction material. Technical - constructive conditions and physical - mechanical properties of the use of bamboo fibers were established in both cementitious and polymeric matrices. Finally, the main properties and recommendations for the use of slats (canes) and cables of bamboo in reinforced concrete were proposed as a replacement of reinforcing steel.
The present research had as main objective the conformation of theoretical bases and practical use criteria of the bamboo as reinforcement in composite materials for construction. This need arose from the dispersion of the existent research works regarding to the subject, making their understanding and processing complicated. For the completion of the task, first, the main physical - mechanical parameters of the bamboo were exposed to obtain its characterization as a construction material. Technical - constructive conditions and physical - mechanical properties of the use of bamboo fibers were established in both cementitious and polymeric matrices. Finally, the main properties and recommendations for the use of slats (canes) and cables of bamboo in reinforced concrete were proposed as a replacement of reinforcing steel.
Palabras clave
Bambú, Materiales Compuestos, Fibras, Refuerzo, Cemento, Polímeros, Tablillas, Cables, Bamboo, Composite Materials, Fibers, Reinforcement, Cement, Polymers, Splints, Cables