Diseño de una oferta de información para la documentación audiovisual en televisoras locales
Pérez Cabrera, Rachel Milagros
Duménigo Broche, Ernesto
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
El diseño de ofertas de información centradas en el usuario favorece la satisfacción de los mismos. Se identificó que en los canales locales se realiza un incorrecto tratamiento de la documentación audiovisual, fundamentalmente por la carencia de personal especializado. Se plantean como objetivos del estudio: 1) examinar los referentes teóricos-conceptuales relacionados con el diseño de ofertas de información para el tratamiento de la documentación audiovisual en las televisoras locales cubanas, 2) diagnosticar las necesidades de información de los profesionales que laboran en televisoras locales cubanas, como vía para el diseño de una oferta de información que permita un adecuado tratamiento de la documentación audiovisual, 3) diseñar una oferta de información que facilite el tratamiento de la documentación audiovisual en las televisoras locales cubanas. Se identificaron las características de los usuarios potenciales para el diseño de la oferta de información denominada Procesinf. La oferta tiene como producto un manual de procedimiento sustentado en un servicio de formación de usuarios. A partir de la realización del presente estudio se concluye que actualmente el profesional de la información relacionado con el tratamiento de la documentación audiovisual debe asumir el rol de Audiovisual Production Researcher e integrar conocimientos de la comunicación social. Procesinf se diseña con la finalidad de realizar un adecuado tratamiento de la documentación audiovisual en televisoras locales. La oferta y la identidad visual de la misma fue evaluada mediante un test heurístico.
The design of information offers focused on the user favors their satisfaction. It was identified that in the local channels an incorrect treatment of the audiovisual documentation is made, mainly due to the lack of specialized personnel. The objectives of the study were: 1) to examine the theoretical-conceptual referents related to the design of information offers for the treatment of audiovisual documentation in Cuban local television stations, 2) to diagnose the information needs of professionals who work in television Cuban locals, as a way to design an information offer that allows an adequate treatment of audiovisual documentation; 3) design an information offer that facilitates the processing of audiovisual documentation on local Cuban television stations. The characteristics of the potential users were identified for the design of the information offer called Procesinf. The offer has as a product a procedure manual supported by a user training service. From the completion of the present study it is concluded that currently the information professional related to the treatment of audiovisual documentation must assume the role of Audiovisual Production Researcher and integrate knowledge of social communication. Procesinf is designed with the purpose of carrying out an adequate treatment of audiovisual documentation on local television stations. The offer and the visual identity of the same was evaluated by means of a heuristic test.
The design of information offers focused on the user favors their satisfaction. It was identified that in the local channels an incorrect treatment of the audiovisual documentation is made, mainly due to the lack of specialized personnel. The objectives of the study were: 1) to examine the theoretical-conceptual referents related to the design of information offers for the treatment of audiovisual documentation in Cuban local television stations, 2) to diagnose the information needs of professionals who work in television Cuban locals, as a way to design an information offer that allows an adequate treatment of audiovisual documentation; 3) design an information offer that facilitates the processing of audiovisual documentation on local Cuban television stations. The characteristics of the potential users were identified for the design of the information offer called Procesinf. The offer has as a product a procedure manual supported by a user training service. From the completion of the present study it is concluded that currently the information professional related to the treatment of audiovisual documentation must assume the role of Audiovisual Production Researcher and integrate knowledge of social communication. Procesinf is designed with the purpose of carrying out an adequate treatment of audiovisual documentation on local television stations. The offer and the visual identity of the same was evaluated by means of a heuristic test.
Palabras clave
Diseño de Oferta de Información, Educación de Usuarios, Documentación Audiovisual, Comunicación Visual, Televisión Local, Centro Norte Televisión, Caibarién, Design of Information Offer, Education Of Users, Audiovisual Documentation, Visual Comunication