Gestión de los residuos sólidos en la Ciudad Universitaria Abel Santa Maria
Gómez Moya, Leidy
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas
Este trabajo se realizó en la Ciudad Universitaria Abel Santamaría, vinculado directamente con el proyecto “Educación Ambiental y Tecnologías Limpias” el cual esta siendo ejecutado por la facultad de Química – Farmacia en estos momentos.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo principal generar información para mejorar el manejo y la gestión de los residuos sólidos del la Ciudad Universitaria Abel Santamaría, tales como los sistemas de recolección, transporte y disposición final de la misma, teniendo como perspectiva final dar una solución social, técnica, económica y ambientalmente correcta a los problemas que de ella se deriven. Para ello se realizó un diagnóstico sobre el estado actual de la gestión de los residuos sólidos en la UCLV incluyendo aspectos de manipulación, recolección, tratamiento, eliminación y disposición final. Se determinó la densidad aparente de los residuos. Se realizó la caracterización preliminar de los residuos sólidos generados, y se determinó la generación per cápita, parámetros muy importantes para la toma de decisiones en lo que se refiere a proyección y diseño de los sistemas de manejo y disposición final de los desechos sólidos, así como se localizaron los focos contaminantes por residuos sólidos.
This work was carried out in the University City Abel Santamaría, linked directly with the project "environmental Education and clean technologies" the one which this being executed by the ability of Chemistry - Pharmacy in these moments. This study had as main objective to generate information to improve the handling and the administration of the solid residuals of the university city Abel Santamaría, such as the gathering systems, transport and final disposition of the same one having as final perspective to give a social solution, technique, economic and environmentally correct to the problems that are derived of her. To do that was carried out a diagnosis on the current state of the administration of the solid residuals in the UCLV including aspects of manipulation, gathering, treatment, elimination and final disposition. You of I finish the apparent density of the residuals. He/she was carried out characterization of the generated solid residuals, and you determines the generation per layer, very important parameters for the taking of decisions in what refers to projection and design of the handling systems and final disposition of the solid waste. The polluting focuses were located by solid residuals.
This work was carried out in the University City Abel Santamaría, linked directly with the project "environmental Education and clean technologies" the one which this being executed by the ability of Chemistry - Pharmacy in these moments. This study had as main objective to generate information to improve the handling and the administration of the solid residuals of the university city Abel Santamaría, such as the gathering systems, transport and final disposition of the same one having as final perspective to give a social solution, technique, economic and environmentally correct to the problems that are derived of her. To do that was carried out a diagnosis on the current state of the administration of the solid residuals in the UCLV including aspects of manipulation, gathering, treatment, elimination and final disposition. You of I finish the apparent density of the residuals. He/she was carried out characterization of the generated solid residuals, and you determines the generation per layer, very important parameters for the taking of decisions in what refers to projection and design of the handling systems and final disposition of the solid waste. The polluting focuses were located by solid residuals.
Ciudad Universitaria Abel Santamaría, Facultad de Química y Farmacia, Residuos Sólidos, UCLV, Educación Ambiental, Tecnologías Limpias