La utilización del entorno virtual en la carrera de Educación Primaria
Valdés Hernández, Leandro Cirilo
Pérez Gallardo, Enrique Máximo
Álvarez Manresa, Jorge
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El trabajo abord
a el tema relacionado con la utilización de las aulas virtual
es en la formación de
pregrado en la carrera de Licenciat
ura en Educación Primaria
en la Universidad Central “Marta
Abreu” de Las Villas.
El problema part
e de la necesidad de elevar los estándares de calidad en la
docencia universitaria
, a través del uso de las T
ecnologías de la Información y las
en el proceso d
e enseñanza-
Para ello, se crearon aulas virtuales y se
implementaron actividades docentes para incorporar las mismas al proceso. L
os resultados
alcanzados en los estudiant
es desde el punto de vista afectivo
-motivacional, cognoscitivo-
procedimental y actitudinal, demostraron la efectividad de la
concepción didáctica
The work approaches the subject related to the use of the virtual classrooms in the formati on of teachers in Primary Education at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. The problem emerged from the necessity to elevate the standards of quality in university teaching, through the use of the Technologies of the Information and the Com munications in the teaching - learning process. With this purpose, virtual classrooms were created and educational activities were implemented to be incorporate d to the process. The results reached in the students from the affective- motiva tion , cognitiv e-ins trumental and attitudinal point s of view, demonstrated the effectiveness of the didactic conception used .
The work approaches the subject related to the use of the virtual classrooms in the formati on of teachers in Primary Education at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. The problem emerged from the necessity to elevate the standards of quality in university teaching, through the use of the Technologies of the Information and the Com munications in the teaching - learning process. With this purpose, virtual classrooms were created and educational activities were implemented to be incorporate d to the process. The results reached in the students from the affective- motiva tion , cognitiv e-ins trumental and attitudinal point s of view, demonstrated the effectiveness of the didactic conception used .
Palabras clave
Aula virtual, Aprendizaje, Formación inicial, Educación primaria
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