Influencia del contenido del material arcilloso calcinado del yacimiento Pontezuela en propiedades reológicas y mecánicas de lechadas de cemento Portland
Santana Fernández, Ariel
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Ingeniería Civil
En este trabajo se determinó la influencia del contenido y el por ciento de sustitución de la arcilla calcinada de Pontezuela en lechadas de cemento para pozos de petróleo en las propiedades reológicas y mecánicas. Se realizaron ensayos de reología y resistencia mecánica en lechadas de cemento con 0 %, 10%, 20% y 30 % de sustitución de arcilla calcinada del yacimiento Pontezuela. Se observó que a medida que aumentaba el porciento de sustitución de cemento por arcilla calcinada hubo un aumento del punto de cedencia y de la viscosidad plástica. El ensayo de resistencia a compresión mostró un aumento en la misma a medida que aumentaban los por cientos de sustitución de arcilla calcinada en la lechada. El valor más bajo se alcanzó en 0 % de sustitución y el valor más alto de resistencia mecánica se registró con un grado de sustitución de un 20 % de arcilla calcinada de Pontezuela.
In this work we determined the influence of the content and percent replacement of calcined clay of Pontezuela in cement slurries for oil wells according to the rheology and mechanical properties. Rheology tests and mechanical strength were made in cements slurries with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of calcined clay from Pontezuela. It was observed that with increasing the percentage of cement replacement by calcined clay increased yield point and plastic viscocity. The compressive strength test showed that it did increase depending on the percentages of substitution of calcined clay in the slurry. The lowest value was reached in the 0% of replacement and the highest value of mechanical strength was reached while using 30% of calcined clay of Pontezuela.
In this work we determined the influence of the content and percent replacement of calcined clay of Pontezuela in cement slurries for oil wells according to the rheology and mechanical properties. Rheology tests and mechanical strength were made in cements slurries with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of calcined clay from Pontezuela. It was observed that with increasing the percentage of cement replacement by calcined clay increased yield point and plastic viscocity. The compressive strength test showed that it did increase depending on the percentages of substitution of calcined clay in the slurry. The lowest value was reached in the 0% of replacement and the highest value of mechanical strength was reached while using 30% of calcined clay of Pontezuela.
Palabras clave
Yacimiento Pontezuela, Propiedades Reológicas, Propiedaes Mecánicas de Lechadas, Material Arcilloso Calcinado, Cemento Portland