Búsqueda, descripción y exposición de las Fuentes Histórico- Contables de la Colección Coronado para la creación de una Biblioteca Digital Personalizada, EndNote
Hernández Montano, Ainady
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
El Presente Trabajo de Diploma fue desarrollado en la Sala Coronado, perteneciente
al Centro de Documentación e Información Científico – Técnico, “Chiqui Gómez Lubián”
de la Universidad Central de Las Villas, la cual posee una de las más importantes
colecciones de libros raros y valiosos de nuestro país. Se determinaron las fuentes
contables pertenecientes a dicha Colección y se realizó el montaje de estas en una
Biblioteca Digital Personalizada EndNote.
En su estructura aparecen dos capítulos:
En el capitulo I se muestra una panorámica de las bases teóricas en que está
fundamentado el trabajo conteniendo aspectos medulares que se tuvieron en cuenta
para la elaboración de este.
El capítulo 2 se exponen los antecedentes históricos de la Colección Coronado, seguido
por el Inventario documental realizado a las fuentes contables de la Colección y por
último se muestra el procedimiento seguido para la creación de la Biblioteca Digital
Personalizada “Fuentes Contables en la Colección Coronado”
Finalmente se exponen las conclusiones, recomendaciones y anexos de este trabajo
The Present Work of Diploma was developed in the Crowned Room, belonging to the Center of Documentation and Information Scientist - Technician, "Chiqui Gómez Lubián" of the Central University of The Villas, which one of the most important collections in strange and valuable books of our country possesses. The countable sources belonging to this Collection were determined and he/she was carried out the assembly of these in a Personalized Digital Library EndNote. In their structure two chapters appear: In the I surrender I a panoramic of the theoretical bases it is shown in that the work is based containing medullary aspects that were kept in mind for the elaboration of this. The chapter 2 the historical antecedents of the Crowned Collection are exposed, continued by the documental Inventory carried out to the countable sources of the Collection and lastly the followed procedure is shown for the creation of the Personalized Digital Library "Fuentes Accountants in the Crowned Collection" Finally the conclusions, recommendations and annexes of this work are exposed.
The Present Work of Diploma was developed in the Crowned Room, belonging to the Center of Documentation and Information Scientist - Technician, "Chiqui Gómez Lubián" of the Central University of The Villas, which one of the most important collections in strange and valuable books of our country possesses. The countable sources belonging to this Collection were determined and he/she was carried out the assembly of these in a Personalized Digital Library EndNote. In their structure two chapters appear: In the I surrender I a panoramic of the theoretical bases it is shown in that the work is based containing medullary aspects that were kept in mind for the elaboration of this. The chapter 2 the historical antecedents of the Crowned Collection are exposed, continued by the documental Inventory carried out to the countable sources of the Collection and lastly the followed procedure is shown for the creation of the Personalized Digital Library "Fuentes Accountants in the Crowned Collection" Finally the conclusions, recommendations and annexes of this work are exposed.
Palabras clave
Colección Coronado, Fuentes Histórico - Contables, Biblioteca Digital Personalizada