Software educativo para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la topografía. ETOP versión 2
Albor Machado, Dariel
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
Los nuevos escenarios y condiciones complejas que se vislumbran para las próximas décadas del siglo XXI invadidos por un amplio uso de las tecnologías, imponen la necesidad de que en la educación superior se propicien las condiciones para fortalecer la integración de las TIC al proceso docente educativo, en aras de lograr una amplia cultura digital como un rasgo esencial de calidad en la formación de un profesional de estos tiempos. En el presente trabajo de diploma se presenta la elaboración de un software educativo para apoyar el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de la asignatura Topografía en las carreras Ingeniería Civil e Ingeniería Hidráulica de la Facultad de Construcciones en la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Para el diseño empírico de la investigación se realiza el diagnóstico de necesidades en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje mediante la aplicación de encuestas y entrevistas a estudiantes y profesores de la carrera, se diseña el software educativo en forma de página web y se valora este a través del criterio de especialistas. El software educativo SETOP v2 se ha confeccionado en forma de sitio web, por la facilidad de trabajo que estos ofrecen y su gran accesibilidad, en el mismo el estudiante podrá encontrar los contenidos esenciales de la asignatura, así como información complementaria actualizada sobre la temática. Su carácter multimedia con la inclusión de videos, tutoriales y otros materiales auxiliares hacen del SETOP v2, un material didáctico útil para favorecer el estudio independiente y la autogestión del conocimiento.
The new scenarios and complex conditions that are glimpsed for the coming decades of the XXI century invaded by a wide use of the technologies, impose the necessity that in higher education the conditions to strengthen the integration of the ICT into the educational process, in the interest of achieving a wide digital culture as an essential feature of quality in the formation of a professional of these times, are propitiated. In this diploma work, the elaboration of an educational software is presented. It is intended to support the teaching - learning process of the subject Topography in the careers Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering of the Faculty of Constructions in the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. For the empirical design of the research, a diagnosis of needs in the teaching - learning process is done through the application of surveys and interviews to students and professors of the mentioned careers, the educational software is designed and it is evaluated through the specialists’ criterion. The educational software SETOP v2 has been made in form of web site, because of the ease of work that these offer and its great accessibility, in the same the student will be able to find the essential contents of the subject, as well as complementary information on the topic. Its multimedia character with the inclusion of videos, tutorials and other auxiliary materials make the SETOP v2, a didactic material useful to favor the independent study and self-management knowledge.
The new scenarios and complex conditions that are glimpsed for the coming decades of the XXI century invaded by a wide use of the technologies, impose the necessity that in higher education the conditions to strengthen the integration of the ICT into the educational process, in the interest of achieving a wide digital culture as an essential feature of quality in the formation of a professional of these times, are propitiated. In this diploma work, the elaboration of an educational software is presented. It is intended to support the teaching - learning process of the subject Topography in the careers Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering of the Faculty of Constructions in the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. For the empirical design of the research, a diagnosis of needs in the teaching - learning process is done through the application of surveys and interviews to students and professors of the mentioned careers, the educational software is designed and it is evaluated through the specialists’ criterion. The educational software SETOP v2 has been made in form of web site, because of the ease of work that these offer and its great accessibility, in the same the student will be able to find the essential contents of the subject, as well as complementary information on the topic. Its multimedia character with the inclusion of videos, tutorials and other auxiliary materials make the SETOP v2, a didactic material useful to favor the independent study and self-management knowledge.
Palabras clave
Proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje, Tecnologías de la Información y las comunicaciones, Software educativo, Teaching - learning process, Information and communication technologies, Educative software