Análisis de indicadores económicos-financieros basados en razonamientos borrosos o difusos. Caso ECOING No. 25 Villa Clara
González Pino, Yanet
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de la Villas
La evolución de la economía cubana exige la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas que
permitan a las entidades y organismos obtener informaciones más certeras sobre la
estabilidad económica y financiera, por tanto se requiere, contar con análisis más
certeros de las razones financieras, que pudieran lograrse utilizando algoritmos
basados en variables difusas o borrosas para realizar interpretaciones más ciertas
de la situación económica de la entidad a partir de la asignación de rasgos
numéricos, su análisis matemático y su interpretación.
El presente trabajo fue desarrollado en la Empresa Constructora de Obras de
Ingeniería No.25 Villa Clara (ECOING No.25 VC) el objetivo general de este trabajo
es analizar la situación económica – financiera a través de indicadores económicos
basados en razonamientos borrosos o difusos. Para el desarrollo del mismo se han
combinado las razones financieras y la teoría de la lógica borrosa, con el objeto de
realizar un adecuado proceso de identificación, análisis y por ende, determinación
de la situación financiera de la entidad desde un punto de vista más equitativo.
The Cuban economy evolution demand searching of new tools which permits to entities and organs to obtain more certain information about the financier and economic stability, however it is required, to count with an analysis about the financer reasons using algorithms based in diffuse or blur variables to make more truthful interpretations about the entity economic situation from the assignation of numeric traits, its mathematic analysis and interpretation. The present work was developed in Empresa Constructora de Obras de Ingeniería No.25 de Villa Clara (ECOING No.25 VC) the main objective of this work is to analyze the economic-financer situation through economic indicators based in diffuse or blur reasoning. For the development of this were combined the financer reasons and the theory of blur logical, with the objective of make an appropriate process of identification, analysis therefore, determination of the entity financer situation from a more equal point of view.
The Cuban economy evolution demand searching of new tools which permits to entities and organs to obtain more certain information about the financier and economic stability, however it is required, to count with an analysis about the financer reasons using algorithms based in diffuse or blur variables to make more truthful interpretations about the entity economic situation from the assignation of numeric traits, its mathematic analysis and interpretation. The present work was developed in Empresa Constructora de Obras de Ingeniería No.25 de Villa Clara (ECOING No.25 VC) the main objective of this work is to analyze the economic-financer situation through economic indicators based in diffuse or blur reasoning. For the development of this were combined the financer reasons and the theory of blur logical, with the objective of make an appropriate process of identification, analysis therefore, determination of the entity financer situation from a more equal point of view.
Palabras clave
Indicadores Económicos, Razonamiento Borroso