Análisis estructural y de estrategia de actores para la proyección de estudios prospectivos en la provincia de Villa Clara.
Clemade Ruiz, Leidy Yolanda
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
En la actualidad son diversas las acciones a ejecutar en función del desarrollo territorial. El conjunto de estas acciones contribuirá a lograr un bienestar futuro superior en la medida que se ayude, de cierta forma a construir el futuro. De ahí, que las metodologías existentes para la construcción de escenarios que permitan enfrentar la incertidumbre que genera la indeterminación del futuro es una oportunidad inestimable que se debe aprovechar para contribuir a la fundamentación de las decisiones actuales que tienen una repercusión en el futuro. En correspondencia con lo anterior se desarrolló la presente investigación, la cual pretende realizar un análisis de las variables relevantes y estrategias de actores involucrados en el desarrollo socioeconómico de la
provincia Villa Clara. Los estudios parciales realizados constituyen la base para análisis posteriores.
At the present time they are diverse the actions to execute in function of the territorial development. The group of these actions will contribute to achieve a superior future well-being in the measure that is helped, from certain way to build the future. Of there that the existent methodologies for the construction of scenarios that you/they allow to face the uncertainty that generates the indetermination of the future are an invaluable opportunity that should take advantage to contribute to the foundation of the current decisions that you/they have a repercussion in the future. In correspondence with the above-mentioned the present investigation was developed, which seeks to carry out an analysis of the outstanding variables and actors' strategies involved in the development economic partner of the county Villa Clara. The carried out partial studies constitute the base for later analysis.
At the present time they are diverse the actions to execute in function of the territorial development. The group of these actions will contribute to achieve a superior future well-being in the measure that is helped, from certain way to build the future. Of there that the existent methodologies for the construction of scenarios that you/they allow to face the uncertainty that generates the indetermination of the future are an invaluable opportunity that should take advantage to contribute to the foundation of the current decisions that you/they have a repercussion in the future. In correspondence with the above-mentioned the present investigation was developed, which seeks to carry out an analysis of the outstanding variables and actors' strategies involved in the development economic partner of the county Villa Clara. The carried out partial studies constitute the base for later analysis.
Palabras clave
Economía, Desarrollo Territorial, Villa Clara