La orientación a las familias para el desarrollo de las habilidades de seriar y comparar en los niños y niñas del 5to año de vida
Obregón Martínez, Eliany
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Infantil. Departamento de Educación Preescolar.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo: Proponer un folleto de orientación a las
familias para el desarrollo de las habilidades de seriar y comparar en los niños y niñas
del 5to año de vida. Se utilizaron diferentes métodos teóricos, empíricos, matemáticos
y/o estadísticos, los cuales permitieron determinar las insuficiencias en la orientación a
las familias para dar tratamiento a las habilidades de seriar y comparar en los niños del
5to año de vida. Se elaboró un folleto el cual constituye una vía de orientación muy útil y
factible por parte de las familias pues contiene aspectos teóricos y una propuesta de
actividades para que la misma desarrolle las habilidades de seriar y comparar con sus
niños en condiciones de vida familiar. Su elaboración se sustenta en los fundamentos
científicos, así como en las regularidades detectadas en el diagnóstico y/o
determinación de necesidades. Se valida la propuesta elaborada por criterios de
especialistas. Luego de aplicada la propuesta se aplicaron instrumentos que permitieron
constatar su efectividad, pues elevó los niveles de orientación de las familias tomadas
como muestra. Se ofrecen conclusiones en correspondencia con las tareas de la
The present investigation has as objective: To propose an orientation pamphlet to the families for the development of the seriar abilities and to compare in the children and the 5to year- old girls. Different theoretical, empiric, mathematical and/or statistical methods were used, which allowed to determine the inadequacies in the orientation to the families to give treatment to the seriar abilities and to compare in the 5to year- old children. A pamphlet the one was elaborated which constitutes a road of very useful and feasible orientation on the part of the families because it contains theoretical aspects and a proposal of activities so that the same one develops the seriar abilities and to compare with their children under conditions of family life. Their elaboration is sustained in the scientific foundations, as well as in the regularities detected in the diagnosis and/or determination of necessities. The proposal elaborated by specialists' approaches been worth. After having applied the proposal instruments they were applied that allowed to verify their effectiveness, because it elevated the levels of orientation of the families taken as sample. They offer conclusions in correspondence with the tasks of the investigation.
The present investigation has as objective: To propose an orientation pamphlet to the families for the development of the seriar abilities and to compare in the children and the 5to year- old girls. Different theoretical, empiric, mathematical and/or statistical methods were used, which allowed to determine the inadequacies in the orientation to the families to give treatment to the seriar abilities and to compare in the 5to year- old children. A pamphlet the one was elaborated which constitutes a road of very useful and feasible orientation on the part of the families because it contains theoretical aspects and a proposal of activities so that the same one develops the seriar abilities and to compare with their children under conditions of family life. Their elaboration is sustained in the scientific foundations, as well as in the regularities detected in the diagnosis and/or determination of necessities. The proposal elaborated by specialists' approaches been worth. After having applied the proposal instruments they were applied that allowed to verify their effectiveness, because it elevated the levels of orientation of the families taken as sample. They offer conclusions in correspondence with the tasks of the investigation.
Palabras clave
Educación a la Vida Familiar, Familia, Educación de la Primera Infancia, Educación Preescolar