Caracterización de aleaciones obtenidas a partir de la reducción de cenizas de la combustión del petróleo
Pacheco Chaviano, Edgar Felipe
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica
En el trabajo se realiza la caracterización de aleaciones de hierro obtenidas del procesamiento aluminotérmico de residuales industriales. Para el estudio se obtienen dos cargas, la primera conformada por cascarillas de laminación, virutas de aluminio y residuos de la combustión del petróleo en las calderas (cenizas de fondo) y la segunda con los mismos componentes y grafito. Para cada una de las mezclas fue evaluado el comportamiento del proceso en cuanto a: encendido, auto-sostenimiento del proceso de fusión reducción y la separación del metal y la escoria.
Como resultado del trabajo se obtuvieron aleaciones de hierro con contenidos de carbono 1.18 %, de silicio entre 0.10-0.96 %, de manganeso entre 0.526-1.499 % y de aluminio entre 1.396-1.402 %, recuperándose además un grupo de elementos de aleación de gran valor. Además, se evaluó la dureza y la estructura del metal obtenido con la idea de pensar en un futuro utilizarlo para la obtención de una granalla de acero. La factibilidad técnica de procesar mediante aluminotermia estos residuales industriales permite la recuperación de sus componentes metálicos, obteniéndose una aleación y una escoria de su uso en la industria, además se reducen los niveles de contaminación ambiental.
In the work, the characterization of iron alloys obtained from the aluminothermy processing of industrial waste is carried out. For the study, two loads are obtained, the first consisting of lamination chips, aluminum shavings and residues from the combustion of oil in the boilers (bottom ash) and the second with the same components and graphite. For each of the mixtures, the behavior of the process was evaluated in terms of: ignition, self-sustaining of the melting process, reduction and separation of the metal and slag. As a result of the work iron alloys with carbon contents 1.18%, silicon between 0.10-0.96%, manganese between 0.526-1.499% and aluminum between 1.396-1.402% were obtained, recovering in addition a group of elements of large alloy value. In addition, the hardness and structure of the metal obtained was evaluated with the idea of thinking about a future use it to obtain a steel shot. The technical feasibility of processing these industrial residuals through aluminothermy allows the recovery of their metallic components, obtaining an alloy and slag from their use in the industry, in addition reducing the levels of environmental contamination.
In the work, the characterization of iron alloys obtained from the aluminothermy processing of industrial waste is carried out. For the study, two loads are obtained, the first consisting of lamination chips, aluminum shavings and residues from the combustion of oil in the boilers (bottom ash) and the second with the same components and graphite. For each of the mixtures, the behavior of the process was evaluated in terms of: ignition, self-sustaining of the melting process, reduction and separation of the metal and slag. As a result of the work iron alloys with carbon contents 1.18%, silicon between 0.10-0.96%, manganese between 0.526-1.499% and aluminum between 1.396-1.402% were obtained, recovering in addition a group of elements of large alloy value. In addition, the hardness and structure of the metal obtained was evaluated with the idea of thinking about a future use it to obtain a steel shot. The technical feasibility of processing these industrial residuals through aluminothermy allows the recovery of their metallic components, obtaining an alloy and slag from their use in the industry, in addition reducing the levels of environmental contamination.
Palabras clave
Aleaciones de Hierro, Procesamiento Aluminotérmico, Contaminación Ambiental, Residuales Sólidos Industriales