Análisis del desempeño energético en la fábrica de papel Pulpa Cuba
Ramírez Castro, Yojara
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química
La fábrica de papel localizada en Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus, presenta deficiencias tecnológicas y operacionales que afectan la recuperación de la energía y el aguay, por tanto, los indicadores de desempeño energético del proceso. El objetivo es evaluar las oportunidades de conservación de la energía, mediante la aplicación de sistemas de gestión de la energía en la fábrica de papel. Basado en los requisitos que especifica la NC ISO 50001 para los sistemas de gestión de la energía, en cuanto a la revisión energética, se aplica una metodología para el balance de energía, mediante el cual se definen los principales indicadores de desempeño energético y de eficiencia energética y las pérdidas de calor. El análisis de la energía permitió definir cuatro índices de consumo que constituyen indicadores de desempeño energético (4,9 tvapor/t papel; 12 313,66 MJ/ t papel; 0,34 tFO/t papel; 4,9 m3 de agua/t papel), los cuales se pueden tomar como referencia para implementar el sistema de gestión de la energía e identificar oportunidades de mejora, constituyendo los componentes principales para definir una línea base energética. Se evalúa un esquema termoenergético que incluye las oportunidades de mejora en la generación, distribución y uso de la energía térmica. Es factible proponer un proyecto de inversión que incluye un generador de vapor, un turbogenerador y sustitución de válvulas reductoras de presión a partir del ahorro de agua de servicio a caldera, combustible y electricidad adquirida de la red nacional, cuyo presupuesto se estima recuperar en 4 años.
The paper mill located in Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus, has technological and operational deficiencies that affect the recovery of energy and water and, therefore, process energy performance indicators. The objective is to assess energy conservation opportunities, by applying energy management systems in the facility. Based on the requirements specified by NC ISO 50001 for energy management a system, regarding the energy review, an energy balance methodology is applied, through which the main energy performance and efficiency indicators and wasted heat are defined. The energy analysis allowed defining four consumption indices that constitute energy performance indicators (4,9 t steam / t paper, MJ / t paper, 12 313,66 MJ/ t paper, 0,34 tFO / t paper, 4,9 m3 of water / t paper), which can be taken as a reference to implement the energy management system and identify opportunities for improvement, constituting the main components to define an energy baseline. A thermoenergetic scheme is assessed that includes opportunities for improvement in the generation, distribution and use of thermal energy. It is feasible to propose an investment project that includes a steam generator, a turbogenerator and the replacement of pressure reducing valves based on the saving of service water for the boiler, fuel and electricity purchased from the national network, whose budget is estimated to be recovered by 4 years.
The paper mill located in Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus, has technological and operational deficiencies that affect the recovery of energy and water and, therefore, process energy performance indicators. The objective is to assess energy conservation opportunities, by applying energy management systems in the facility. Based on the requirements specified by NC ISO 50001 for energy management a system, regarding the energy review, an energy balance methodology is applied, through which the main energy performance and efficiency indicators and wasted heat are defined. The energy analysis allowed defining four consumption indices that constitute energy performance indicators (4,9 t steam / t paper, MJ / t paper, 12 313,66 MJ/ t paper, 0,34 tFO / t paper, 4,9 m3 of water / t paper), which can be taken as a reference to implement the energy management system and identify opportunities for improvement, constituting the main components to define an energy baseline. A thermoenergetic scheme is assessed that includes opportunities for improvement in the generation, distribution and use of thermal energy. It is feasible to propose an investment project that includes a steam generator, a turbogenerator and the replacement of pressure reducing valves based on the saving of service water for the boiler, fuel and electricity purchased from the national network, whose budget is estimated to be recovered by 4 years.
Palabras clave
Industria Papelera, Evaluación del Desempeño Energético, Sistema de Gestión de la Energía (SGE), Norma ISO 50001, Balance Termoenergético