Desarrollo, validación y cálculo de la incertidumbre del resultado de la técnica cromatográfica para determinar G-1 y MBr en lotes de G-1
Caraballoso Noa, Isabel María
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
El 2-bromo-5-(2-bromo-2-nitrovinil)-furano (Furvina; G-1), es el ingrediente farmacéutico activo (IFA) utilizado en la producción del Dermofural, ungüento tópico con propiedades antibacteriana y antifúngica. Debido al proceso de obtención por síntesis química se encuentra acompañado de una impureza conocida como monobromado (MBr), por lo que dentro de las especificaciones de calidad del IFA está incluido el por ciento de pureza (entre 98,00 % y 102,00 %) y el contenido de la impureza (≤ 1,00 %). El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una técnica para determinar simultáneamente la pureza del G-1 y el contenido de la impureza MBr en el IFA por cromatografía de gases con detector de captura electrónica, validar dicha técnica y calcular la incertidumbre del resultado para asegurar la confiabilidad del mismo. Los parámetros desarrollados en la validación fueron: adecuación del sistema, especificidad, linealidad, precisión (repetibilidad instrumental, repetibilidad del método, precisión intermedia), exactitud o veracidad y los límites de detección y cuantificación para la impureza MBr. El método analítico resultó ser específico, lineal en el intervalo de concentraciones de 8 mg/L a 12 mg/L para el G-1 y de 0,06mg/L a 0,14 mg/L para el MBr, preciso y exacto, con un límite de detección de 0,0006 mg/L y de cuantificación de 0,002 mg/L para la impureza. Se obtuvo un valor de incertidumbre para el G-1 de 1,48 % y para el MBr de 0,05 % con un factor de cobertura k = 2 y un nivel de confianza de 95 %.
The 2-bromine-5-(2-bromine-2-nitervinyl)-furan (Furvina; G-1), is the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) used in Dermofural production, it is a topical ointment with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Due to the obtaining process by chemical synthesis it is accompanied by an impurity known as monobromate (MBr), so that within the API quality specifications it is included the purity percent (between 98,00 % and 102,00 %) and the impurity content (≤ 1,00 %). The objective of this work is to develop a technique for simultaneously determining the purity of G-1 and the MBr impurity content in the API by gas chromatography with electron capture detector, validating the technique and calculating the result uncertainty to ensure its reliability. The parameters developed on the validation were: the system adequacy, specificity, linearity, accuracy (instrumental repeatability, method repeatability, and intermediate precision), accuracy or reliability, and detection and quantification limits for MBr impurity. The analytical method was found to be specific, linear in the concentration range of 8 mg/L to 12 mg/L for the G-1 and 0,06 mg/L to 0,14 mg/L for MBr, precise and accurate, with a detection limit of 0,0006 mg / L and quantification of 0,002 mg / L for the impurity. An uncertainty value for G-1 of 1,48 % and for MBr of 0,05 % with a cover factor k = 2 and a reliability level of 95 % were obtained.
The 2-bromine-5-(2-bromine-2-nitervinyl)-furan (Furvina; G-1), is the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) used in Dermofural production, it is a topical ointment with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Due to the obtaining process by chemical synthesis it is accompanied by an impurity known as monobromate (MBr), so that within the API quality specifications it is included the purity percent (between 98,00 % and 102,00 %) and the impurity content (≤ 1,00 %). The objective of this work is to develop a technique for simultaneously determining the purity of G-1 and the MBr impurity content in the API by gas chromatography with electron capture detector, validating the technique and calculating the result uncertainty to ensure its reliability. The parameters developed on the validation were: the system adequacy, specificity, linearity, accuracy (instrumental repeatability, method repeatability, and intermediate precision), accuracy or reliability, and detection and quantification limits for MBr impurity. The analytical method was found to be specific, linear in the concentration range of 8 mg/L to 12 mg/L for the G-1 and 0,06 mg/L to 0,14 mg/L for MBr, precise and accurate, with a detection limit of 0,0006 mg / L and quantification of 0,002 mg / L for the impurity. An uncertainty value for G-1 of 1,48 % and for MBr of 0,05 % with a cover factor k = 2 and a reliability level of 95 % were obtained.
Palabras clave
2-bromo-5-(2-bromo-2-nitrovinil)-furano (G-1), Preparaciones Farmacéuticas, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Insumos Farmacéuticos, Pharmaceutical Raw Material