El pensamiento de perspectiva sociológica en la proyección del ideal social de la Revolución cubana en los sesenta. Estudio bibliográfico
Corzo Díaz, Adislén
Delgado Román, Michel
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Sociología.
Esta investigación centra su interés en las publicaciones de la década del sesenta en Cuba. Se pretende distinguir en ellas artículos que manifiesten un pensamiento de perspectiva sociológica que pueda haber contribuido con la configuración del ideal social que pretendía proyectar la revolución cubana en esos años. Para cumplir con esa función este pensamiento debería caracterizarse por: 1 la proyección de una ideología y un pensamiento social, 2 la solidez al describir uno u otro sistema económico-social, 3 ser espejo de las situaciones de conflicto existentes en y fuera de Cuba, 4 la capacidad de llevar al lector análisis sobre los diferentes aspectos de la sociedad, considerando causas y consecuencias. Para ello fueron revisadas Cuba Socialista, El Militante Comunista, Nuestra Industria. Revista Económica, Pensamiento Crítico, Teoría y Práctica y Universidad de La Habana. Teniendo en cuenta que estas revistas, además de circular en esta época, eran difundidas en la población, tenían como objetivo informar, formar cultura política y trasmitir lo que se estaba haciendo en los ámbitos político y científico técnico. Proyectaban como ideología fundamental el pensamiento marxista. Para la selección de estos artículos se realizó un análisis de los nudos teóricos de la sociología y se contextualizaron en la trayectoria del pensamiento cubano, para desde estos presupuestos analizar el contenido de los artículos que divulgaron estas revistas en esta época y distinguir así lo que se pretendía encontrar en ellos, los resultados arrojaron que los temas más abordados en estas publicaciones fueron los reunidos bajo el acápite de pensamiento social
This investigation centers its interest in the publications of the decade of the sixty in Cuba. He she seeks to be distinguished in them articles that you they manifest a thought of sociological perspective that can have contributed with the configuration of the social ideal that sought to project the Cuban revolution in those years. To fulfill that function this thought it should be characterized for. 1 the projection of an ideology and a social thought, 2 the solidity when describing one or another socio-economic system, 3 to be mirror of the existent conflict situations in and outside of Cuba, 4 the capacity to take to the reader analysis on the different aspects of the society, considering causes and consequences. For Socialist Cuba, The Communist Militant, Our Industry they were revised it. Have Economic, Critical Thought, Theory and Practice and University of Havana. Keeping in mind that these magazines, besides circulating in this time, they were diffused in the population, they had as objective to inform, to form political culture and to transmit what was making in the environments politician and scientific-technician. They projected as fundamental ideology the Marxist thought. For the selection of these articles he she was carried out an analysis of the theoretical knots of the sociology and you contextualizaron in the trajectory of the Cuban thought, stops from these budgets to analyze the content of the articles that you/they disclosed these magazines in this time and to distinguish this way what sought to be in them, the results they hurtled that the topics more approached in these publications they were those gathered under the paragraph of social thought
This investigation centers its interest in the publications of the decade of the sixty in Cuba. He she seeks to be distinguished in them articles that you they manifest a thought of sociological perspective that can have contributed with the configuration of the social ideal that sought to project the Cuban revolution in those years. To fulfill that function this thought it should be characterized for. 1 the projection of an ideology and a social thought, 2 the solidity when describing one or another socio-economic system, 3 to be mirror of the existent conflict situations in and outside of Cuba, 4 the capacity to take to the reader analysis on the different aspects of the society, considering causes and consequences. For Socialist Cuba, The Communist Militant, Our Industry they were revised it. Have Economic, Critical Thought, Theory and Practice and University of Havana. Keeping in mind that these magazines, besides circulating in this time, they were diffused in the population, they had as objective to inform, to form political culture and to transmit what was making in the environments politician and scientific-technician. They projected as fundamental ideology the Marxist thought. For the selection of these articles he she was carried out an analysis of the theoretical knots of the sociology and you contextualizaron in the trajectory of the Cuban thought, stops from these budgets to analyze the content of the articles that you/they disclosed these magazines in this time and to distinguish this way what sought to be in them, the results they hurtled that the topics more approached in these publications they were those gathered under the paragraph of social thought
Palabras clave
Perspectiva Sociológica, Ideal Social, Revolución Cubana, Estudio Bibliográfico