Procedimiento para el perfeccionamiento del diseño del Sistema de Control Interno en los componentes: Ambiente de Control, Supervisión y Monitoreo en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas.
Díaz García, Elizabeth
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de la Villas.
El diseño de un adecuado Sistema de Control Interno que permita no solo detectar los errores ocurridos, sino prevenirlos, debe estar dirigido al cumplimiento de lo planificado en los objetivos de trabajo para alcanzar resultados con eficacia, economía y eficiencia, en los procesos universitarios. De modo, que el objetivo de esta investigación está dado por la necesidad de perfeccionar el diseño del Sistema de Control Interno de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Para ello se fundamentó desde el punto de vista teórico lo relacionado con los principales aspectos referidos a los Sistemas de Gestión y de Control Interno, sus particularidades, procedimientos y normas por las que se rige su ejecución. Se realizó además un diagnóstico en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas a partir de la Resolución 60/2011 en sus componentes Ambiente de Control, Supervisión y Monitoreo para conocer la situación actual del implementado Sistema de Control Interno, empleando varios métodos de apoyo, como la revisión de documentos, entrevistas y la aplicación de la Guía de Autocontrol del 2016 de la Contraloría General de la República de Cuba. Fue definido un procedimiento participativo general para el perfeccionamiento del diseño del Sistema de Control Interno, lo cual permitirá a la universidad y sus áreas derivadas contar con una herramienta importante de gestión en el logro de sus objetivos. Se presentan las recomendaciones que se consideraron necesarias, la bibliografía referenciada y anexos que pudieran ayudar a una mejor comprensión del contenido expuesto.
The design of an appropriate Internal Control System that allows not only to detect errors occurred, but to prevent them, should be directed to the fulfillment of the planned work objectives in order to achieve results with efficiency, economy and efficacy in university processes. The objective of this research revolves around the need to improve the design of the Internal Control System of Las Villas Central University "Marta Abreu". For this purpose, the research has based from a theoretical point of view related to the main aspects associated to Management Systems and Internal Control, its peculiarities, procedures and norms governing its implementation. A diagnosis was also held at the Faculty of Economics from Resolution 60/2011 in its components Control Environment, Supervision and Monitoring, to know the current situation of the implemented Internal Control System using various methods of support, such as document review, interviews and the application of the Auto-Control Guide of 2016, of the General Comptroller of the Republic of Cuba. It was defined, a general participatory process for refining the design of the Internal Control System, which will allow the university and its derivatives areas to have an important management tool in achieving its objectives. The recommendations deemed necessary are presented, as well as the referenced literature and annexes that could help a better understanding of the content exposed.
The design of an appropriate Internal Control System that allows not only to detect errors occurred, but to prevent them, should be directed to the fulfillment of the planned work objectives in order to achieve results with efficiency, economy and efficacy in university processes. The objective of this research revolves around the need to improve the design of the Internal Control System of Las Villas Central University "Marta Abreu". For this purpose, the research has based from a theoretical point of view related to the main aspects associated to Management Systems and Internal Control, its peculiarities, procedures and norms governing its implementation. A diagnosis was also held at the Faculty of Economics from Resolution 60/2011 in its components Control Environment, Supervision and Monitoring, to know the current situation of the implemented Internal Control System using various methods of support, such as document review, interviews and the application of the Auto-Control Guide of 2016, of the General Comptroller of the Republic of Cuba. It was defined, a general participatory process for refining the design of the Internal Control System, which will allow the university and its derivatives areas to have an important management tool in achieving its objectives. The recommendations deemed necessary are presented, as well as the referenced literature and annexes that could help a better understanding of the content exposed.
Palabras clave
Sistemas de Gestión, Control Interno, Ambiente de Control, Supervisión y Monitoreo