Orientación a la familia de los niños del grado preescolar del Círculo Infantil Ismaelillo, para desarrollar la Educación Patrimonial como parte de la “Tarea Vida"
Aguilar Castellanos, Lisandra
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento Educación Preescolar. Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar.
La implementación del Plan de Estado: “Tarea Vida” en el Sistema Nacional de
Educación para cualquier nivel educativo, tiene como antecedentes, la aprobación e
implementación de la Estrategia Ambiental Nacional y Sectorial (17-20) con la misión de
gestionar el conocimiento y la innovación que favorezca al ambiente, la prevención de
riesgos y peligros, la adaptación al cambio climático, así como la mirada y seguimiento a
los diferentes problemas ambientales citados en dicha estrategia y que en definitiva
afectarían al ser humano.
Justamente, considerando este imperativo, constituye una prioridad tratar este tema de
gran actualidad en la primera infancia. De lo anterior se deduce que se requiere que la
familia, sea agente socializador del carácter sostenible del desarrollo, del derecho al
disfrute de un medio ambiente, con protección particular desde su entorno, de la
realización de acciones cada vez más educativas encaminadas a la conservación del
Patrimonio local.
Por lo que en el trabajo, se declara como problema científico: ¿Cómo contribuir a la
orientación de la familia de los niños del grado preescolar del Círculo Infantil
Ismaelillo, para desarrollar la Educación Patrimonial como parte de la “Tarea Vida”.?
Y como objetivo de la investigación: Proponer un folleto dirigido a la orientación a la
familia, del Círculo Infantil Ismaelillo para desarrollar la Educación Patrimonial como
parte de la “Tarea Vida”. Se parte de determinar elestado actual de la necesidad de
orientación que poseen las familias sobre este tema, lo cual permitió corroborar las
limitaciones que presenta para desarrollar la Educación Patrimonial.
Se aplican métodos e instrumentos investigativos y se obtienen regularidades que
sustentan el diseño, fundamentación y la elaboración de la propuesta del folleto. Se
consulta la propuesta con los especialistas y estos valoran la propuesta de útil,
sugerente y que responde a las necesidades actuales. Se realiza finalmente la
comprobación de los resultados que se obtienen con la aplicación del folleto como
una vía de orientación a la familia y se arriban a conclusiones, recomendaciones y
se presentan la bibliografía y los anexos.
The implementation of the State Plan: "Life Task" in the National Education System for any educational level, has as background, the approval and implementation of the National and Sectorial Environmental Strategy (17-20) with the mission of managing knowledge and the innovation that favors the environment, the prevention of risks and dangers, the adaptation to climate change, as well as the look and follow up to the different environmental problems mentioned in said strategy and that would ultimately affect the human being. Precisely, considering this imperative, it is a priority to deal with this highly topical issue in early childhood. From the above it follows that the family is required to be a socializing agent of the sustainable nature of development, of the right to enjoy an environment, with particular protection from its environment, of carrying out increasingly educational actions aimed at conservation of the local Heritage. So in the work, it is declared as a scientific problem: How to contribute to the orientation of the family of the children of the preschool level of the Ismaelillo Children's Circle, to develop the Patrimonial Education as part of the "Life Task"? And as an objective of the research: Propose a booklet aimed at family orientation, of the Ismaelillo Children's Circle to develop Heritage Education as part of the "Life Task". The starting point is to determine the current situation of the need of orientation that the families have on this subject, which allowed to corroborate the limitations that it presents to develop the Patrimonial Education. Research methods and instruments are applied and regularities are obtained that support the design, foundation and preparation of the brochure proposal. The proposal is consulted with the specialists and they value the proposal as useful, suggestive and responding to current needs. Finally, the results obtained with the application of the brochure are verified as a way of orientation to the family and conclusions, recommendations and bibliography and annexes are presented.
The implementation of the State Plan: "Life Task" in the National Education System for any educational level, has as background, the approval and implementation of the National and Sectorial Environmental Strategy (17-20) with the mission of managing knowledge and the innovation that favors the environment, the prevention of risks and dangers, the adaptation to climate change, as well as the look and follow up to the different environmental problems mentioned in said strategy and that would ultimately affect the human being. Precisely, considering this imperative, it is a priority to deal with this highly topical issue in early childhood. From the above it follows that the family is required to be a socializing agent of the sustainable nature of development, of the right to enjoy an environment, with particular protection from its environment, of carrying out increasingly educational actions aimed at conservation of the local Heritage. So in the work, it is declared as a scientific problem: How to contribute to the orientation of the family of the children of the preschool level of the Ismaelillo Children's Circle, to develop the Patrimonial Education as part of the "Life Task"? And as an objective of the research: Propose a booklet aimed at family orientation, of the Ismaelillo Children's Circle to develop Heritage Education as part of the "Life Task". The starting point is to determine the current situation of the need of orientation that the families have on this subject, which allowed to corroborate the limitations that it presents to develop the Patrimonial Education. Research methods and instruments are applied and regularities are obtained that support the design, foundation and preparation of the brochure proposal. The proposal is consulted with the specialists and they value the proposal as useful, suggestive and responding to current needs. Finally, the results obtained with the application of the brochure are verified as a way of orientation to the family and conclusions, recommendations and bibliography and annexes are presented.
Palabras clave
Educación de la Primera Infancia, Primera Infancia, Educación Preescolar, Familia, Educación de los Padres, Educación Familiar, Patrimonio Cultural