Folleto de la asignatura Taller de Maquinado, dirigido a la preparación para el desarrollo de habilidades prácticas de los estudiantes de la especialidad Mecánica Industrial




González Rodríguez, Alejandro David

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Universidad Central ``Marta Abreu`` de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica


Alcanzar las habilidades profesionales que permite a los graduados de la especialidad de Mecánica Industrial cumplir con las tareas y ocupaciones establecidas en su plan de estudio, dependen de la calidad con que se ejecute el proceso de desarrollo de las habilidades prácticas en el ciclo de formación básica. El proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje para el desarrollo de las habilidades prácticas en la asignatura Taller de Maquinado, en la especialidad de Mecánica Industrial del IPI Raúl Suárez Martínez ha presentado insuficiencias en su ejecución, debido básicamente a carencias en la preparación teórico metodológica de los profesores y del personal técnico del sector empresarial que participa en dicho proceso, la dispersión de la bibliografía y la carencias en la base material de estudio. Una vía para contribuir a elevar la calidad del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje para la formación de los técnicos medio en la especialidad de Mecánica Industrial, es perfeccionar el sistema de medios utilizados en la asignatura Taller de Maquinado, por esta razón, como resultado de esta investigación, se aporta un folleto que pone a disposición de los estudiantes el sistema de acciones de las habilidades prácticas a desarrollar, facilitando la adquisición de los conocimientos asociados a ellas mediante el trabajo independiente y con ello, mejores condiciones para la sistematización de las acciones mediante la práctica en el taller.
To reach the professional abilities that it allows to the graduate of the specialty of Industrial Mechanics to fulfill the tasks and occupations settled down in their study plan, depends on the quality with which the process of development of the practical abilities is executed in the cycle of basic formation. The process of teaching learning for the development of the practical abilities in the subject Shop of having Schemed, in the specialty of Industrial Mechanics of the IPI Raúl Suárez Martínez has presented inadequacies in its execution, due basically to lacks in the methodological theoretical preparation of the professors and of the technical personnel of the managerial sector that participates in this process, the dispersion of the bibliography and the lacks in the material base of study. A road to contribute to elevate the quality of the process of teaching learning for the formation of the half technicians in the specialty of Industrial Mechanics, is to perfect the system of means used in the subject Shop of having Schemed, for this reason, as a result of this investigation, a pamphlet is contributed that puts to the students' disposition the system of actions of the practical abilities to develop, facilitating the acquisition of the knowledge associated to them by means of the independent work and with it, better conditions for the systematizing of the actions by means of the practice in the shop. To reach the professional abilities that it allows to the graduate of the specialty of Industrial Mechanics to fulfill the tasks and occupations settled down in their study plan, depends on the quality with which the process of development of the practical abilities is executed in the cycle of basic formation. The process of teaching learning for the development of the practical abilities in the subject Shop of having Schemed, in the specialty of Industrial Mechanics of the IPI Raúl Suárez Martínez has presented inadequacies in its execution, due basically to lacks in the methodological theoretical preparation of the professors and of the technical personnel of the managerial sector that participates in this process, the dispersion of the bibliography and the lacks in the material base of study. A road to contribute to elevate the quality of the process of teaching learning for the formation of the half technicians in the specialty of Industrial Mechanics, is to perfect the system of means used in the subject Shop of having Schemed, for this reason, as a result of this investigation, a pamphlet is contributed that puts to the students' disposition the system of actions of the practical abilities to develop, facilitating the acquisition of the knowledge associated to them by means of the independent work and with it, better conditions for the systematizing of the actions by means of the practice in the shop. To reach the professional abilities that it allows to the graduate of the specialty of Industrial Mechanics to fulfill the tasks and occupations settled down in their study plan, depends on the quality with which the process of development of the practical abilities is executed in the cycle of basic formation. The process of teaching learning for the development of the practical abilities in the subject Shop of having Schemed, in the specialty of Industrial Mechanics of the IPI Raúl Suárez Martínez has presented inadequacies in its execution, due basically to lacks in the methodological theoretical preparation of the professors and of the technical personnel of the managerial sector that participates in this process, the dispersion of the bibliography and the lacks in the material base of study. A road to contribute to elevate the quality of the process of teaching learning for the formation of the half technicians in the specialty of Industrial Mechanics, is to perfect the system of means used in the subject Shop of having Schemed, for this reason, as a result of this investigation, a pamphlet is contributed that puts to the students' disposition the system of actions of the practical abilities to develop, facilitating the acquisition of the knowledge associated to them by means of the independent work and with it, better conditions for the systematizing of the actions by means of the practice in the shop.


Palabras clave

Proceso de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje (PEA), Medios de Enseñanza, IPI Raúl Suárez Martínez, Villa Clara, Habilidades Prácticas, Control de Calidad, Acciones


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