Intensificación e impacto ambiental del proceso de endulzamiento para la obtención del combustible de aviación Jet-A1 en la refinería Camilo Cienfuegos
Leiter Bormey, Merlyn
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química
En el proceso de refinación del petróleo los principales esfuerzos se encaminan hacia tecnologías más limpias amigables con el medio ambiente, por lo que se hace incuestionable el uso de herramientas que permitan la evaluación ambiental e intensificación de sus procesos, siendo este el eje central de los estudios realizados en la obtención de combustible de aviación Jet A-1 en la refinería Camilo Cienfuegos. Para la evaluación de los daños ambientales provocados se implementó como estrategia de gestión ambiental el análisis de ciclo de vida estableciendo como unidad funcional el combustible obtenido en la planta en una hora, con esta metodología se comprobó que el consumo de sosa en la etapa de lavado cáustico es el que reporta los mayores perjuicios ambientales en todas las categorías evaluadas siendo el calentamiento global, las radiaciones ionizantes, toxicidad cancerígena no humana, ecotoxicidad terrestre y marina las más significativas, por lo que es imprescindible disminuir su consumo, con este fin usando datos experimentales se obtuvo la cinética de las reacciones que intervienen en la etapa de lavado cáustico empleando el método diferencial con regresión polinomial. Con la cinética de las reacciones, datos de control operacional y datos económicos se formularon las funciones objetivos con sus respectivas restricciones, siendo posible la optimización jerárquica de esta etapa mediante el software MATLAB® donde se empleó la función fmincon que emplea el método de optimización cuasi-Newton para disminuir los impactos ambientales de la etapa al menor costo de producción siempre cumpliendo con las especificaciones del producto final (Jet A1). Los resultados de dicha optimización reflejan que la concentración de sosa óptima está en el rango de 0,15-0,2 mol/L minimizando los costos de producción y validando que mientras mayor azufre y ácidos nafténicos presentan las materias primas de las mezclas analizadas a procesar mayor será su impacto sobre este.
In the oil refining process, the main efforts are directed towards cleaner technologies that are friendly to the environment, which is why the use of tools that allow environmental evaluation and intensification of its processes is unquestionable, this being the central axis of the studies carried out in obtaining Jet A-1 aviation fuel at the Camilo Cienfuegos refinery. For the evaluation of the environmental damage caused, the life cycle analysis was implemented as an environmental management strategy, establishing as a functional unit the fuel obtained in the plant in one hour, with this methodology it was verified that the consumption of soda in the washing stage Caustic is the one that reports the greatest environmental damage in all the categories evaluated, being global warming, ionizing radiation, non-human carcinogenic toxicity, terrestrial and marine Eco toxicity the most significant, so it is essential to reduce its consumption. For this, using experimental data, the kinetics of the reactions involved in the caustic washing stage were obtained using the differential method with polynomial regression. With the kinetics of the reactions, operational control data and economic data, the objective functions with their respective restrictions were obtained, being possible the hierarchical optimization of this stage using the MATLAB® software where the fmincon function was used, which uses the quasi-optimization method. Newton to reduce the environmental impacts of the stage at the lowest production cost, always complying with the specifications of the final product (Jet A1). The results of said optimization reflect that the optimal soda concentration is in the range of 0,15-0,2 mole/L minimizing production costs and validate that the higher sulfur and naphthenic acids present the raw materials of the mixtures analyzed at process the greater your impact on this.
In the oil refining process, the main efforts are directed towards cleaner technologies that are friendly to the environment, which is why the use of tools that allow environmental evaluation and intensification of its processes is unquestionable, this being the central axis of the studies carried out in obtaining Jet A-1 aviation fuel at the Camilo Cienfuegos refinery. For the evaluation of the environmental damage caused, the life cycle analysis was implemented as an environmental management strategy, establishing as a functional unit the fuel obtained in the plant in one hour, with this methodology it was verified that the consumption of soda in the washing stage Caustic is the one that reports the greatest environmental damage in all the categories evaluated, being global warming, ionizing radiation, non-human carcinogenic toxicity, terrestrial and marine Eco toxicity the most significant, so it is essential to reduce its consumption. For this, using experimental data, the kinetics of the reactions involved in the caustic washing stage were obtained using the differential method with polynomial regression. With the kinetics of the reactions, operational control data and economic data, the objective functions with their respective restrictions were obtained, being possible the hierarchical optimization of this stage using the MATLAB® software where the fmincon function was used, which uses the quasi-optimization method. Newton to reduce the environmental impacts of the stage at the lowest production cost, always complying with the specifications of the final product (Jet A1). The results of said optimization reflect that the optimal soda concentration is in the range of 0,15-0,2 mole/L minimizing production costs and validate that the higher sulfur and naphthenic acids present the raw materials of the mixtures analyzed at process the greater your impact on this.
Palabras clave
Combustible de Aviación Jet-A1, Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV), Norma ISO 14040, Norma ISO 14044, Impacto Ambiental